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Questions tagged [equipment]

For questions about items usable by a character, sometimes carried on their person.

11 votes
2 answers

Is water/beverage included in Trail Rations?

If it is, why does Standard Adventurer's Kit include a waterskin? If you need to keep track of Rations when adventuring, wouldn't you also need to keep track of how much water you've consumed from ...
Ravn's user avatar
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105 votes
15 answers

Why does everyone carry a 10' pole?

Based on this comment over on CRPG Addict: No adventuring party is complete without a ten foot pole. ... Jason, but WHY? In God's name, WHAT IS IT FOR?! What is a 10 foot pole used for (its ...
Brian Ballsun-Stanton's user avatar
20 votes
8 answers

Inventory: How can you carry adequate equipment without bringing a caravan?

In our campaign, we try to stay somewhat realistic. Unfortunately, we always find ourselves in one of two situations: Lacking equipment to survive in basic adventure circumstances. Burdened by ...
user1637's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Does the defense bonus from shields stack with cloaks?

In Gurps (4th Edition), does the DB given from a shield stack with the DB given from a cloak? If so, isn't it possible to raise your dodge skill untouchably high? Default dodge of 8 plus 2 from a ...
user1637's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

How do you transition from 1-page dungeon map to battle mat?

I have a bunch of different ways I use to make maps for my tabletop game. Sometimes I draw one on graph paper. Sometimes I use Dungeonographer. Sometimes I copy a map from a published adventure or ...
rjbs's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Item slots for mounts

Are there restrictions for how many items a mount can carry? There is only 1 slot on the character builder for mounts. I don't understand why I can't have an enchanted saddle, and shoes. They're on ...
Stan R's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Equipment suitable for squads/members of a mercenary company?

What would be a good set of equipment for squads/members of a mercenary company inspired by modern special forces teams or the Wraith Recon setting? The requirements are that the squad could ...
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