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Questions tagged [dragons]

For questions about dragons, intelligent reptilian creatures with wings that are often depicted as loving to hoard shiny objects. They appear in a number of RPGs, most obviously Dungeons & Dragons.

4 votes
1 answer

How does Multiple Attack Penalty works with actions that allow multiple Strikes? [duplicate]

I was wondering how Multiple Attack Penaly works with actions like Adult Silver Dragon's Draconic Frenzy that reads: The silver dragon makes two claw Strikes and one tail Strike in any order At page ...
Francesco Rogo's user avatar
8 votes
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Which resistance(s) does the Chromatic Draconic Spirit from the spell "Summon Draconic Spirit" get?

The summon draconic spirit spell states (FToD, p. 21): When you cast this spell, choose a family of dragon: chromatic, gem, or metallic. The creature resembles a dragon of the chosen family, which ...
Ryan Chaplin's user avatar
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Are there actual rules for the results of dragon crossbreeding?

I recently acquired Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, because duh, dragons. It is the only 5e source book I own, although I have borrowed PHB, Xanathar's, Tasha's, etc from friends and family while ...
coppereyecat's user avatar
20 votes
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Would allowing Draconic Sorcerors to be descended from the new dragon types be balanced?

The book Fizban's Treasury of Dragons has been released. While it does contain some player-oriented material (2 new subclasses), something it doesn't do is update the Draconic Sorcerer to have ...
nick012000's user avatar
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24 votes
5 answers

How did towns mundanely protect themselves against Dragons or bring them to the ground?

Not every town has a party of adventurer's ready to take on big monsters. What methods are expected to be feasible in the combination of system (as of fifth edition) and setting (northern regions of ...
vicky_molokh- unsilence Monica's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

How to handle breath weapon recharge when combat is interrupted?

I have a question about monster abilities that recharge, like a dragon’s breath weapon. Is the ability considered “charged” on the first round of combat, no roll required? If the answer to that is “...
Taliesin's user avatar
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Is a beast with the Change Shape feature of a metallic dragon a valid form for the purposes of the Druid's Wild Shape feature? [duplicate]

The Change Shape feature of an adult gold dragon reads as follows: Change Shape. The dragon magically polymorphs into a humanoid or beast that has a challenge rating no higher than its own, or back ...
Fie's user avatar
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To what extent is a Dragonborn of Bahamut considered a dragon?

In the Races of the Dragon book it says: Dragonborn Racial Traits [RotD, pg.8] Humanoid (dragonblood): Dragonborn are humanoids with the dragonblood subtype and any other subtypes they had before ...
Watson's user avatar
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7 votes
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What is the Blue Dragon wing span size compared to other dragons?

This is more of a lore question, but I can't find any information on it in the 5e Monster Manual. Hopefully there is a lore wizard out there who knows something about this. I recently bought some of ...
Yael Araizaga's user avatar
26 votes
4 answers

Which type of dragon is depicted in the middle of the cover art for this chapter of the "Rise of Tiamat" published adventure?

Episode 6 of the Rise of Tiamat adventure (chapter 14 in the combined Tyranny of Dragons book), "Metallic Dragons, Arise", has cover art featuring 3 metallic dragons. The art (full-...
Ohar's user avatar
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What happens when a dragon tries to become a Warshaper?

Warshaper is a prestige class from Complete Warrior, published a few months after 3.5e. I don't know about the rest of the book, but this prestige class in particular doesn't really seem to take the 3....
47948201's user avatar
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How long will it take for my baby dragon to mature [duplicate]

I recently found a baby dragon in the mountains and managed to befriend it and i was wondering how long it would take for it to mature
Unknown's user avatar
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2 answers

How do dragons in the Forgotten Realms feel about The Cult of the Dragon?

There's plenty of information around about The Cult of the Dragon in the D&D Forgotten Realms campaign setting. As the Realms Wiki summarises: The Cult of the Dragon venerated dragons, evil ...
Bob Tway's user avatar
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8 votes
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Playing a Half-dragon

I am planning on playing a campaign, and I want to play a gold half-dragon. I haven't found any information about how I would create one, and what abilities it would have. Is it canon?
Chris W.'s user avatar
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Did the Thousand-Year War involve all dragons?

The description of the dragon giant war is ambiguous, on the one hand it says that all dragons fought in the war but the dragons were led by Tiamat and Garyx. I know that Garyx was worshipped by some ...
Richard C's user avatar
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