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15 votes
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Do true dragons use echolocation?

I know true dragons have Blindsight, but in terms of lore, how does it work? Do they use echolocation? Something else? Or has it not been specified? I am most interested in 5e lore, but I'm definitely ...
ribs2spare's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Under extreme/idyllic conditions, could Cult of the Dragon necrofy Tiamat?

I'm trying to assess the plausibility of whether the Cult of the Dragon could have grown strong enough to turn Tiamat into a Dracolich. Note I'm referring to the legacy cult under Sammaster, not the ...
Arash Howaida's user avatar
5 votes
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Where would Zorquan (Forgotten Realms' dragon god of dragonness), be today?

Related: What is the difference between a god and a primordial? (see section regarding Dragon gods) Related: Where do dragon souls go after their deaths? Related: Are there any other published ...
ProphetZarquon's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

I'm wanting to have a twist were Tiamat gets turned into a dracolich before, during or after the big fight

I'm just having trouble figuring out if that's possible. Would she have to lose her godhood even if she was willing? Or is it just not possible at all? What's scarier than the 5 headed dragon queen? ...
Floppy's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Are there any known methods or suggestions for reverting a Shadow Dragon to original form

So my question is simple. There is a shadow dragon in my campaign who was previously a gold dragon. He remembers vaguely his past and wishes to revert back to his original form. I thought of True ...
abaddon_13's user avatar
24 votes
5 answers

How did towns mundanely protect themselves against Dragons or bring them to the ground?

Not every town has a party of adventurer's ready to take on big monsters. What methods are expected to be feasible in the combination of system (as of fifth edition) and setting (northern regions of ...
vicky_molokh- unsilence Monica's user avatar
7 votes
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What is the Blue Dragon wing span size compared to other dragons?

This is more of a lore question, but I can't find any information on it in the 5e Monster Manual. Hopefully there is a lore wizard out there who knows something about this. I recently bought some of ...
Yael Araizaga's user avatar
7 votes
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How do dragons in the Forgotten Realms feel about The Cult of the Dragon?

There's plenty of information around about The Cult of the Dragon in the D&D Forgotten Realms campaign setting. As the Realms Wiki summarises: The Cult of the Dragon venerated dragons, evil ...
Bob Tway's user avatar
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4 votes
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Did the Thousand-Year War involve all dragons?

The description of the dragon giant war is ambiguous, on the one hand it says that all dragons fought in the war but the dragons were led by Tiamat and Garyx. I know that Garyx was worshipped by some ...
Richard C's user avatar
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7 votes
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Where do dragon souls go after their deaths?

As far as I know, mortal souls go to the plane Fugue and after 100 years Kelemvor sends them to their gods' planes to serve. But where do dragon souls go? Do Chromatic and Metallic dragon souls go to ...
Ohar's user avatar
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5 votes
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Do Rokugan's Dragons have three or four toes?

I couldn't find it in what my collection gives me (or I am blind), but: is there a mention in the sources - or an official depiction - that details if Rokugani Dragons have three or four toes on their ...
Trish's user avatar
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15 votes
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How do you determine a dragon's gender?

How do you determine the gender of a dragon, without resorting to asking them? A number of published D&D adventures have dragons in them that are clearly identified as male or female. However, ...
Michael Shopsin's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Are there any examples in D&D lore (all editions) of metallic or chromatic dragons switching alignment?

In a previous question I asked about a dragon antagonist I am planning. I originally intended this to be a chromatic dragon because I believed they are always evil, but an answer to that question got ...
Richard C's user avatar
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3 votes
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Are there examples in lore of a dragon learning new spells like a wizard?

I am working on the first main antagonist for my campaign, DnD 5th edition. This will be a green or blue dragon who has the ability to shape change into a human and is a magic user. The dragon will be ...
Richard C's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Any known instances of friendliness or friendship between opposing dragons?

As known dragons are not necessarily enemies of each other despite different alignments. What I am wondering is are there any known instances of friendliness or friendship between chromatic and ...
Thomas E.'s user avatar
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