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Questions tagged [dont-rest-your-head]

Don't Rest Your Head is a game about insomniac protagonists with superpowers, fighting — and using — exhaustion and madness to stay alive.

6 votes
2 answers

How to balance player cooperation in "Don't Rest Your Head"

In the game "Don't Rest Your Head" players can add their Discipline dice to that of a colleague to support their effort. (Technically, they add their successes and do not affect the strength.) I am ...
Kieran Mullen's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is a thematic way for a Horror Antagonist to wager with a PC? [closed]

The PC's need to get some information from an information broker in a Horror game. (Think of it as an information demon.) The stakes are dire but not deadly. I want some way for them to compete/wager/...
Kieran Mullen's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Which dice do I use for ordinary feats in "Don't Rest Your Head"?

I understand the use of Exhaustion dice in minor and major uses of Exhaustion talents as well as Madness talents, but what about ordinary feats? My PCs will be hunted by an evil pharmaceutical ...
Kieran Mullen's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Pain Dice in "Don't Rest Your Head"

In the game "Don't Rest Your Head" the flavor of a success or failure of a PC's action is determined by which dice pool has more 6's in it. The PC has Exhaustion, Madness and Discipline dice, while ...
Kieran Mullen's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

What's the Discipline cap?

So far as I can tell, Don't Rest Your Head doesn't say anything about a cap on Discipline. I'm pretty sure there has to be, though: with a cost of 5 Hope minus my current Discipline level to improve ...
BESW's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Actual Play of Don't Rest Your Head one-shot exemplar

I'm planning my first Don't Rest Your Head session for next weekend, and I'm feeling like I just don't get it yet. A solid one-session Actual Play recording of a Don't Rest Your Head game could really ...
BESW's user avatar
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6 votes
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Does it matter who adds coins to the Despair coffer?

I suspect I'm fretting over a trivial loose end in the rules, but I might be missing something pretty fundamental about the coin economy, so I'd like to get it cleared up. On page 24, the book says ...
BESW's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

What's the starting Exhaustion score for PCs in a new game?

I've looked through the manual three times for starting Exhaustion scores and can't locate anything definitive. I've found a few places that might imply Exhaustion starts at 0, but nothing that comes ...
BESW's user avatar
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