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Questions tagged [cr-calculation]

For questions that deal with the calculation of a Challenge Rating, a method of evaluating the combat-difficulty of monsters and encounters in D&D and derived systems. Such questions should ideally demonstrate that the querent has first tried official methods of calculating CR and describe what problems they encountered in doing so.

8 votes
2 answers

Is my homebrew lower-powered Lich's CR calculated correctly?

I created a "Lesser Lich" so my party would be able to fight something interesting in the story I have. In my game, a lich undergoes development changes the first time it "ascends(...
Jeff's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Reverse engineering the Hydra CR

There is no info on the hydra traits "multiple heads", so i'm trying to reverse engineer it, here are my thoughs. Effective attack CR 8: Five attacks (1 per head), 10 damage each for an ...
Trolleitor's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Is there a playable correlation between CR and level in 5e?

Let's say that I'm about to run a combat-heavy 3rd level one-shot for a group of players. Balance and challenge rating is still very important, but one of my players says he'd like to play a humanoid ...
Robert's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Goblin's Challenge Rating and Nimble Escape

So I'm trying to tinker with a few custom monsters and decided to give one Nimble Escape. As a reference, I tried to see how nimble escape interacts with creatures that already possess this ability: ...
daze413's user avatar
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29 votes
4 answers

Ogre CR calculation: is it wrong or am I missing something?

My question is about the basic ogre CR calculation in the monster manual, which doesn't make senses to me. I tried to make a concept of an "armored ogre" with chain mail and pikes (AC 16 and 15 (2d10+...
Trolleitor's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How do I calculate the CR of a monster that spends their turns healing?

My question is about magic and monster CR. I was building a CR 10 Cleric with capabilities of healing himself and others, but I don't see any rules about calculating CR for a monster that expends his ...
Trolleitor's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

How would a Kobold's challenge rating be affected if I gave it a cantrip and a resistance?

I want to create a version of a Kobold that has the Ray of Frost cantrip, as well as resistance to cold damage. How would this affect the challenge rating of the monster? A normal kobold is CR 1/8. ...
Dumpcats's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What is the effect on a creature's CR if it can choose to hit on a miss?

Background: We're playing a high-powered god-centric game where players are direct agents of gods of a pantheon I created. For the next session, I want to surprise them and throw in a couple of ...
daze413's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Is my CR correct for this Elementalphant monster?

So I made a monster for D&D 5e. It's a multi-elemental elephant called the Elementalphant and its CR comes out to be about 8-9, but that kinda seems low. If I were to throw it against my party of ...
bloodmonarcy's user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

If I design a PC for use as an NPC, how much XP should he give when killed?

As part of an early quest, my PCs are likely to face off against a wizard. The problem here is that the stat block for Mage NPCs listed in the Basic Rules has a Challenge Rating of 6, while the PCs ...
James Games2k's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Should "resistance to damage from non-magical weapons" continue to affect monster CR once the party has magical weapons?

My 5e group has reached level 5 and all have acquired +1 weapons. This renders the monster ability of "resistant to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from non-magical weapons" a moot point. It'...
kevin.matheny's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

What is the CR/XP-Character Level relationship for opponents?

I can't seem to find information in the Monster Manual for how to design an opponent with class levels of an appropriate challenge for my 7th-level party. Perhaps this appears in the DMG? I want to ...
lowercasename's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Does Challenge Rating scale linearly?

In other words, given a CR of x the official definition of CR is that four adventurers of level x will on average use up a quarter of their resources to defeat the challenge. For parties with less ...
Matthew Scharley's user avatar

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