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Questions tagged [cr-calculation]

For questions that deal with the calculation of a Challenge Rating, a method of evaluating the combat-difficulty of monsters and encounters in D&D and derived systems. Such questions should ideally demonstrate that the querent has first tried official methods of calculating CR and describe what problems they encountered in doing so.

18 votes
3 answers

How can I avoid accidentally deadly encounters from monsters that are more deadly than their challenge rating suggests?

Monster Deadliness: In the DMG (p.82) there is guidance about the calculating encounter deadliness. This is entirely based on the XP of the monsters encountered, and each challenge rating (CR) has a ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How would permanent invisibility affect a monster's challenge rating?

I’m attempting to convert a phantom fungus to fifth edition. The creature is always invisible while alive, similar to an invisible stalker. When calculating challenge rating, how would this ...
Spencer's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Why is an archmage only CR12?

The monster's manual archmage is overpowered, but has a CR12!? It is a monster with Time Stop from 9th circle, mind blank and teleport. If you put him with some other melee monsters (meat for the ...
Marotta's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Is there any generalised formula for converting monster CR into XP in D&D 5e?

I am trying to make a spreadsheet to track encounters, and I was wondering if there is any generalised formula I can use to calculate the average XP for any given Challenge Rating, or is it like ...
Atlas Sullivan's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Are NPC Spellcasters with access to Mage Armor generally assumed to have precast it for an encounter in CR calculations?

In about a week I will be throwing a homebrewed CR4 illusionist NPC with an AC of 12 and 15 with Mage Armor at my party. (Essentially a slightly buffed version of the Illusionist on page 214 of Volo's ...
Juoa's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What is the closest Pathfinder 1e equivalent to the graboids from the movie Tremors?

Clip What is the closest Pathfinder 1e equivalent to the graboids from the movie Tremors? I'm trying to design an underground dungeon dive for an APL 8 adventure. Wikipedia At nearly 30 ft. long, ...
FrancisJohn's user avatar
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1 vote
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Is there a CR balancing system for PCs to be used as bosses against a party? [closed]

I want to make a PC and stick to the build but don't know what level would be appropriate. The party are 5 players in level 3 (CR of almost 4 in the CR system). As a level 15 PC will be way too much, ...
Toma's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is this homebrew Crococow a CR of 3?

I'd like answers to detail why the CR proposed is the right one. Specifically are the HP and Attacks combination suitable for CR of 3? With the body of a cow and the head of a crocodile, the Crococow ...
Toma's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Does reducing the Purple Worm's HP to 184 really reduce its challenge rating to 13?

On page 113 of Princes of the Apocalypse, the text reads in part: As the tremor ends, a young purple worm with 184 hit points (challenge rating 13) burrows [...] No other changes to the Purple Worm'...
mkdir's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Calculate CR of creatures that share spells (like a hag conven)

I recently got inspired by this stat block, that shows that witches can get more powerful when together. I want to make a similar creature ...
Coolcrab's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

How can I make a CR 1/2 Imp?

I am new to playing 5e, and my DM is also new to DMing 5e (although they have extensive prior experience as a 3.5e DM). We are interested in using the Sidekick rules presented in Tasha's Cauldron of ...
stevenjackson121's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Can you Wild Shape into a beast with the half-dragon template?

In D&D 5e, Half-Dragon is a template (MM, 180) that can be applied to any beast, humanoid, or giant. When I applied the Red Dragon Wyrmling's dragon breath - which deals 7d6 fire damage in a cone -...
TheDragonOfFlame's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Checking CR calculation for homebrew larger version of Giant Ape

I am considering allowing a larger version of a Giant Ape, in which some of the stats have been embiggened to achieve the low end of CR8. I would appreciate a confirmation that I am calculating this ...
Kirt's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How does the Evoker NPC statblock have a CR of 9?

The Evoker in Volo's Guide to Monsters (p. 214) is listed as CR 9. However, I just can't figure out how to calculate its CR to get that high a result. AC: 15 (with Mage Armor) & HP: 66 with 2 ...
ConfusedDM's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What challenge rating ('CR') is a Medusa given the textbook NPC-Diviner-Wizard casting ability?

I wanted to give a recurring villain / anti-hero medusa some (15th level) wizard abilities, a.k.a. the N.P.C. Diviner as featured in Vole's or Xanathar's or Tasha's or somewhere. She can use this NPC ...
Timm Jimm Grimm's user avatar

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