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Is my bard college of dance homebrew balanced?

College of Dance V.1 People of this college have learned to dance in such a way that it can control life and death. Dance has existed since before written literature. You have found a way to harness ...
dndndndndnndndndnd's user avatar
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Is my College of Poems bard subclass balanced?

College of Poems V.1 You have been trained in the art of poetry, you have gained heightened sight and knowledge. Your poems can invigorate your allies, or torture your enemies. The power of poems is ...
dndndndndnndndndnd's user avatar
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Is this homebrew Bardic College of Revolution balanced?

I decided to try to homebrew a 5e bard subclass. I was looking for a good mix of combat and charisma based roleplay abilities. I’m still in the early stages of the campaign, but I anticipate a pretty ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
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What is unbalanced about this homebrew College of the Storm bard subclass?

What, if anything, is unbalanced about this homebrew College of the Storm bard subclass? I think the subclass I made is unbalanced because of the number of abilities gained at third level, and the ...
Josiah Riggan's user avatar
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Possible issues of a player switching Bard archetypes randomly with long rests?

One of my players want to play a Bard with multiple-personalities. At every long-rest, the idea is that he randomly wakes up with one of his personalities. Each personality is very different from the ...
BlueMoon93's user avatar
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Is this homebrew Bard College of Midnight balanced, compared to officially published subclasses?

I wanted to play a necromancer, but I wasn't all that thrilled by my options. Wizards obviously make great necromancer, but I was drawn in another direction. A charismatic puppet master, that was my ...
hohenheim's user avatar
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Versatile Performance Question

I have a Bard with the Street Performer archetype. The Quick Change ability allows him to take a 20 on a Bluff or Disguise check once per day. Can he use Versatile Performance to make a bluff check ...
John-D-Frogman's user avatar
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How to explain Bard getting College education suddenly?

I'm a new player who decided to play as a Bard, but I noticed that once you reach level 3, you get to choose a college. How should I explain my character suddenly getting a college education in the ...
G. Striela's user avatar
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Is the Glamour College Bard's Mantle of Inspiration Overpowered?

In Xanathar's Guide to Everything a new subclass for Bards is introduced: the College of Glamour. This subclass has a new ability called "Mantle of Inspiration", description follows: At 3rd ...
Noah's user avatar
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How does the action economy of Madcap Prank work?

Madcap Prank (Su): At 9th level, a street performer can use performance to discomfit a target within 30 feet, causing its clothing to become tangled, its headgear to fall down over its eyes, or ...
FrancisJohn's user avatar
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Can fire music work with the flame dancer archtype?

I'm interested in picking up Fire Music for a Flame Dancer, which gets Burning hands, Flaming Sphere, and Fireball at level 8. However the way Fire Music's prerequisite line is worded confuses me: ...
Masakan's user avatar
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Can weird words target the same target multiple times in the same round?

I need some help figuring out an ability from a bard archtype called sound striker. Weird Words (Su) At 6th level, a sound striker can start a performance as a standard action, lashing out with 1 ...
Fering's user avatar
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