
We played a one-shot of Mountain Witch and some people have expressed interest in a similar game but whe don't feel like just reshuffling the dark destinies. Has anybody written similar scenarios or continued a game that started as a Mountain Witch game?


3 Answers 3


Two games, Cold City and its follow-up Hot War, draw heavily from The Mountain Witch. You could even say they're extended hacks for handling the fiction of a very different time and place.


If your players really liked the trust mechanic, Apocalypse World uses something very similar. If they really liked the setting, perhaps Kagematsu? Although that's a one-shot game as well.


Here is a report of a game which used the rules from The Mountain Witch for an Apocalypse Now type of game. There's enough detail to enable you to recreate it, I should think.

Alternatively, I'd second C. Edwards and suggest Cold City, which is a similar sort of thing, and a very good game in its own right.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Wow, this report is awesome. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 27, 2010 at 23:29

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