
How does Pathfinder 2e consumables batch crafting work in Pathfinder Society play? For example: After an adventure, an alchemist wants to use 8 downtime days to craft a batch of four lesser alchemist's fire flasks.

How does this process work in game, and how much does it cost the character? I understand that consumables are produced in batches, and that these consumables are separate from the alchemist's daily infusions.

I want to make sure I'm running it by PFS rules. PFS1 didn't allow crafting, so this is new territory for me. My main question is regarding cost per batch - I'm unsure if the 'batch of 4 consumables' means that the crafter pays per unit, or per batch. Does the alchemist pay the consumable cost per consumable unit (i.e. 1.5gp materials cost per flask + crafting time), or per batch (1.5gp materials per batch + crafting time)? And if the former, can the alchemist make a smaller batch, or individual consumable?

  • \$\begingroup\$ I am not sure I understand. The cost of items (in money and/or downtime days), as well as other aspects of the creation process are outlined in the book. What part of this process is complicated by it being in a PS environment? \$\endgroup\$
    – Szega
    Commented Jan 6, 2020 at 8:50
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ I want to make sure I'm running it by PFS rules. PFS1 didn't allow crafting, so this is new territory for me. My main question is regarding cost per batch - I'm unsure if the 'batch of 4 consumables' means that the crafter pays per unit, or per batch. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jan 6, 2020 at 14:38
  • \$\begingroup\$ Can you clarify with a rules reference to 'batches'? \$\endgroup\$
    – YogoZuno
    Commented Jan 6, 2020 at 20:56
  • \$\begingroup\$ "When a character creates consumable items, they can make them in batches of four, as described in the Craft activity." 2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=715 \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jan 7, 2020 at 0:07
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Added your previous comment to the question body to preserve it \$\endgroup\$ Commented Nov 27, 2020 at 17:58

1 Answer 1


You always 'pay' per item

With 4 days of Downtime using the Craft activity, you can create 1 or 4 consumables*. In PFS, this requires a minimum of 2 XP earned in the session. As outlined in the Craft activity,

  1. Spend money (/materials) equal to half the cost of each item

You must supply raw materials worth at least half the item's Price.

  1. Spend 4 days of Downtime and roll a Crafting check.
  2. Elect to continue working** or spend the other half of each item's cost

*The (limited) rules about batches don't allow for crafting less than 4 in a batch; the text lacks the simple words "up to". As a home GM, I would allow it but you will have to communicate with your Society GM(s) to determine how tightly they are following that RAW.

When a character creates consumable items, they can make them in batches of four, as described in the Craft activity.

**If you continue working, you reduce the cost based on your level (+1 on a Critical Success) and Proficiency based on the Income Table.

In your example, you spend 6g and 4 days Crafting 4x lesser alchemist fires. You then spend 4 more days to reduce the cost based on the table linked. A few examples:

  • With a Success (DC 15), if you are at least Trained level 6, you've completed the work with no additional expenditure
  • With a Critical Success (DC 25), if you are at least Trained level 5, you've completed the work with no additional expenditure
  • With a Success (DC 15), with Expert level 5, you've 'worked off' 1g per day (4g) of the remaining cost and must spend 2g more to complete the work
  • With a Success (DC 15, with Expert level 3, you've 'worked off' 5s per day (2g) of the remaining cost and must spend 4g more to complete the work

See this Related question about the 'value' of Crafting compared to other Downtime activity.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Very clear, thank you. Your answer also covers edge cases where a batch would be larger or smaller (during playtest, the witch had the Cauldron feat, which allowed batches of 6 potions.) \$\endgroup\$ Commented Nov 27, 2020 at 23:27

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