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Normally my party has a couple players tanking, and others staying behind and hiding, and from what I can tell this is relatively common. To mix things up every now and then, I have come up with the following homebrew:

The tankkillerTankkiller was a battlemage in their previous life, specifically one who specialized in dark magic. They would sap the strength of their opponents and use it against them, and were nearly impossible to kill. A tankkillerTankkiller is one of these battlemages who has been brought back from the dead by a master necromancer. Nobody knows what these tankkillersTankkillers look like except that they are humanoid, as they always hide behind a dark, full body cloak, and use their dark powers to disappear whenever they are in danger.


Medium beast, same alignment as the necromancer who brought them back to life

AC: 10 (unarmored)

HP: 0

Speed: 65 feet

15 (+2) 24 (+7) 10 (+0) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) 6 (-2)

Senses: truesight,Truesight 200 feet

Languages: none

Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)

Incorporeal: When at 0 hit points and not recovering from combat, the tankkillerTankkiller cannot be damaged or killed

Teleport: When not recovering from combat, the tankkillerTankkiller can expend all of its hit points (even if it has 0) to teleport anywhere within 200 miles. This returns it to 0 hitpoints and makes it start recovering from combat for two hours

Creature of doom: does not have to make death saving throws at 0 hitpoints, instantly dies when it goes down to -1 hitpoints


Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: garunteedguaranteed, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10% of the targets hitpoints. Gives hitpoints equal to 1/3 the damage dealt (rounded up). If this is the tankkillersTankkillers first time attacking a paticularparticular opponent an extra 15 hitpoints are gained.

Shadow bringer Spell attack: guaranteed hit, hits all enemies within 100 feet of the tankkillerTankkiller. Reduces the constitution of all enemies within 100 feet of the tankkillerTankkiller by 1 for 5 turns, can stack up to 10 times on a target. Using this attack deals 200 damage to the tankkillerTankkiller

Note: my biggest concern (other than combat of course) is that the teleport ability might be too powerful

Normally my party has a couple players tanking, and others staying behind and hiding, and from what I can tell this is relatively common. To mix things up every now and then, I have come up with the following homebrew:

The tankkiller was a battlemage in their previous life, specifically one who specialized in dark magic. They would sap the strength of their opponents and use it against them, and were nearly impossible to kill. A tankkiller is one of these battlemages who has been brought back from the dead by a master necromancer. Nobody knows what these tankkillers look like except that they are humanoid, as they always hide behind a dark, full body cloak, and use their dark powers to disappear whenever they are in danger.


Medium beast, same alignment as the necromancer who brought them back to life

AC: 10 (unarmored)

HP: 0

Speed: 65 feet

15 (+2) 24 (+7) 10 (+0) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) 6 (-2)

Senses: truesight, 200 feet

Languages: none

Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)

Incorporeal: When at 0 hit points and not recovering from combat, the tankkiller cannot be damaged or killed

Teleport: When not recovering from combat, the tankkiller can expend all of its hit points (even if it has 0) to teleport anywhere within 200 miles. This returns it to 0 hitpoints and makes it start recovering from combat for two hours

Creature of doom: does not have to make death saving throws at 0 hitpoints, instantly dies when it goes down to -1 hitpoints


Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: garunteed, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10% of the targets hitpoints. Gives hitpoints equal to 1/3 the damage dealt (rounded up). If this is the tankkillers first time attacking a paticular opponent an extra 15 hitpoints are gained.

Shadow bringer Spell attack: guaranteed hit, hits all enemies within 100 feet of the tankkiller. Reduces the constitution of all enemies within 100 feet of the tankkiller by 1 for 5 turns, can stack up to 10 times on a target. Using this attack deals 200 damage to the tankkiller

Note: my biggest concern (other than combat of course) is that the teleport ability might be too powerful

Normally my party has a couple players tanking, and others staying behind and hiding, and from what I can tell this is relatively common. To mix things up every now and then, I have come up with the following homebrew:

The Tankkiller was a battlemage in their previous life, specifically one who specialized in dark magic. They would sap the strength of their opponents and use it against them, and were nearly impossible to kill. A Tankkiller is one of these battlemages who has been brought back from the dead by a master necromancer. Nobody knows what these Tankkillers look like except that they are humanoid, as they always hide behind a dark, full body cloak, and use their dark powers to disappear whenever they are in danger.


Medium beast, same alignment as the necromancer who brought them back to life

AC: 10 (unarmored)

HP: 0

Speed: 65 feet

15 (+2) 24 (+7) 10 (+0) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) 6 (-2)

Senses: Truesight 200 feet

Languages: none

Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)

Incorporeal: When at 0 hit points and not recovering from combat, the Tankkiller cannot be damaged or killed

Teleport: When not recovering from combat, the Tankkiller can expend all of its hit points (even if it has 0) to teleport anywhere within 200 miles. This returns it to 0 hitpoints and makes it start recovering from combat for two hours

Creature of doom: does not have to make death saving throws at 0 hitpoints, instantly dies when it goes down to -1 hitpoints


Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: guaranteed, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10% of the targets hitpoints. Gives hitpoints equal to 1/3 the damage dealt (rounded up). If this is the Tankkillers first time attacking a particular opponent an extra 15 hitpoints are gained.

Shadow bringer Spell attack: guaranteed hit, hits all enemies within 100 feet of the Tankkiller. Reduces the constitution of all enemies within 100 feet of the Tankkiller by 1 for 5 turns, can stack up to 10 times on a target. Using this attack deals 200 damage to the Tankkiller

Note: my biggest concern (other than combat of course) is that the teleport ability might be too powerful

Post Closed as "Needs details or clarity" by Cooper, Axoren, Trish, Thomas Markov, RevanantBacon
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Is this homebrew “tankkiller” balanced?

Normally my party has a couple players tanking, and others staying behind and hiding, and from what I can tell this is relatively common. To mix things up every now and then, I have come up with the following homebrew:

The tankkiller was a battlemage in their previous life, specifically one who specialized in dark magic. They would sap the strength of their opponents and use it against them, and were nearly impossible to kill. A tankkiller is one of these battlemages who has been brought back from the dead by a master necromancer. Nobody knows what these tankkillers look like except that they are humanoid, as they always hide behind a dark, full body cloak, and use their dark powers to disappear whenever they are in danger.


Medium beast, same alignment as the necromancer who brought them back to life

AC: 10 (unarmored)

HP: 0

Speed: 65 feet

15 (+2) 24 (+7) 10 (+0) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) 6 (-2)

Senses: truesight, 200 feet

Languages: none

Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)

Incorporeal: When at 0 hit points and not recovering from combat, the tankkiller cannot be damaged or killed

Teleport: When not recovering from combat, the tankkiller can expend all of its hit points (even if it has 0) to teleport anywhere within 200 miles. This returns it to 0 hitpoints and makes it start recovering from combat for two hours

Creature of doom: does not have to make death saving throws at 0 hitpoints, instantly dies when it goes down to -1 hitpoints


Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: garunteed, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10% of the targets hitpoints. Gives hitpoints equal to 1/3 the damage dealt (rounded up). If this is the tankkillers first time attacking a paticular opponent an extra 15 hitpoints are gained.

Shadow bringer Spell attack: guaranteed hit, hits all enemies within 100 feet of the tankkiller. Reduces the constitution of all enemies within 100 feet of the tankkiller by 1 for 5 turns, can stack up to 10 times on a target. Using this attack deals 200 damage to the tankkiller

Note: my biggest concern (other than combat of course) is that the teleport ability might be too powerful