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Trish's user avatar
Trish's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years
  • Last seen this week
  • Kiel, Deutschland
40 votes

Should this stack ban ChatGPT?

22 votes

How is the community doing? [2023]

20 votes

Is it better to use or not use personal pronouns? Specifically, "I" in questions and "you" in answers?

18 votes

Officially stepping down as moderator

12 votes

How are we judging One D&D questions and answers?

12 votes

Are questions about Warhammer 40k Lore on-topic?

11 votes

How to tag Strixhaven questions?

11 votes

Should we separate the [the-dark-eye] tag into multiple tags for multiple versions of the game?

11 votes

Has site-wide quality drastically improved while our analytics are in freefall?

11 votes

What is OGL 1.1: A request to reopen

10 votes

I tried to stay D&D question neutral last year, how did I do?

10 votes

Is it ok to ask for comments on downvotes?

9 votes

How can one person close a question?

9 votes

What rules/guidance do we want to give for homebrew review questions, if any?

9 votes

I just showed up here. Should I be somewhere else if I play other RPGs more than D&D?

9 votes

I'd like to adapt a set of spells from AD&D to the 5th edition. Ask for review together or one by one?

9 votes

Standardization of English, etc.

8 votes

Could we make a viable "what edition of D&D are my books for" question?

8 votes

Differentiating between house rules, homebrew, and game design

8 votes

Is this title a spoiler and how would we avoid the spoiler if so?

8 votes

Simulacrum retagging

8 votes

How is the Community doing? [2024]

7 votes

Does using numerous   whitespace characters to center a line of text cause accessibility issues?

7 votes

Should there be a separate tag for One D&D?

7 votes

How do we feel about "Should trusted close/reopen voters and reviewers have their votes weighted more than others'?"

7 votes

Should we burninate [3rd-party]?

7 votes

Should we separate the [the-dark-eye] tag into multiple tags for multiple versions of the game?

7 votes

Are these "history-of-gaming" questions designer-reasons?

6 votes

Question closure: Why does a round last 6 seconds?

6 votes

Is there a functional purpose to putting things in code text here?