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Questions tagged [answers]

For all questions that are primarily about answers - both on mainsite and on Meta. (If a more relevant/appropriate tag exists, it may be used alongside or instead of this one.)

6 votes
1 answer

Why does it require reputation to upvote comments and answers?

I guess it could help with stopping bots from bombing comments with upvotes and such, but it's the only platform I've ever seen that behaves like this. I created an account a while ago to show ...
Gyletre 's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What should I do if I find an answer that is completely wrong?

In several different cases, I've encountered answers that were just... wrong. However, I don't know how to respond to this. Recently, I flagged a wrong answer, and it was declined and I was told not ...
User 23415's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Do we want a banner/help page about AI policy?

Per a previous discussion, “generative AI” is banned on this site. Per a recent site-wide announcement, we can request a banner in the answer box stating this policy, and linking to a new Help page ...
KRyan's user avatar
  • 355k
9 votes
0 answers

Can we get a custom "suspected AI abuse" deletion reason in review queues?

Recently we decisively decided to ban ChatGPT. It would be welcome to indicate to other users in the review queues that we suspect AI-Chatbot abuse using a template comment.
Akixkisu's user avatar
  • 19.7k
9 votes
1 answer

Should an answer be rewritten completely if new external info becomes available?

My question was prompted by this answer where the rules were unclear at the time of answering. The complete answer was now replaced with recent info from errata. The question wasn't ever changed in a ...
Anagkai's user avatar
  • 16.6k
12 votes
3 answers

Should I provide an answer even if I voted to close a question?

Sometimes I feel that a question has some value, but it is formulated in a unclear way, or it seems to ask two questions in one post, which is not recommended. Despite its value, the question is not ...
Eddymage's user avatar
  • 31.6k
10 votes
4 answers

How do I build a proper answer without sounding condescending?

A small note before the question itself : I'm unsure if this kind of question fits Meta, since it could easily be interpreted as nothing more than "How do I not offend other human beings?". ...
Matthieu's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Should I accept an answer to a homebrew-review question if I think I might be biased?

Suppose I ask a homebrew-review question, and I receive at least one answer that, though acceptable with respect to the site rules, I don't particularly like. (Maybe I feel they didn't read my post ...
nben's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Is it okay to heavily correct a question/answer that contains a lot of typos/grammar errors?

Sometimes one can find a question or an answer containing a lot of typos and/or grammar errors: is it ok to proceed in correcting them (at the best of one's knowledge) or is it better to leave a ...
Eddymage's user avatar
  • 31.6k
10 votes
4 answers

Is it okay to post a non-answer and then delete it if I intend to come back later and write an actual answer?

I've observed a few cases of users posting a non-answer on a question and then deleting the answer, usually leaving a note in the answer text about how they will come back later and write an actual ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
14 votes
6 answers

Is it better to use or not use personal pronouns? Specifically, "I" in questions and "you" in answers?

I noticed GcL put comments under answers to the this question and edited its title with this edit description: "Removed personal tone from title." Old Title: Can I make a Wall of Stone with ...
Exempt-Medic's user avatar
  • 76.6k
0 votes
1 answer

Can we have an Opinion deletion reason?

Answers are supposed to provide references, or at least arguments supporting their view. However, with some low quality posts like the one below, the issue is that someone just provides some statement ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Did I incorrectly flag these posts?

I'm currently flag-banned from flagging posts due to several declined flags on posts that I believe do not answer the question What to do when a player loses or forgets their character sheet? emphasis ...
Akixkisu's user avatar
  • 19.7k
13 votes
6 answers

Version labels for answers: is this a tool we could use?

Stack Exchange recently announced version labeling for answers, something they will initially work on implementing at Stack Overflow. The details are laid out in this Meta Stack Exchange post: Version ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Question and Answer text areas remain blank even as the preview updates with what I typed (Win 10, Firefox 92.0.1) (fixed in FF 93.0?)

I cannot see what I am typing right now: Bizarrely, after adding that image I have some “bad character” boxes: This is on Windows 10, Firefox 92.0.1 Comment boxes are fine. Other text areas on other ...
KRyan's user avatar
  • 355k

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