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Molten Crags


The Molten Crags biome generates anywhere in the world under y=25. It is characterized by its hellish appearance, with lava covering a large portion of the surface and brimstone lining the walls.  


Its main features are Radiant Topaz, which rarely generates on the surface of the lava, and an abundance of Magmaws, which drop Raw Magmaw Steaks and Obsidian scales.

In this biome, players will be constantly given the Burning effect, which deals 1/2 a heart of unblockable damage every 2 seconds. The Tunnelhide armor set is able to counter this, with only one piece being necessary to completely block Burning.

Charred stone generates in clumps throughout the biome, and can, aside from being a decorative block, be used to craft Lava Sponges, which remove nearby lava source blocks when they come in contact with lava, similar to Vanilla sponges.


A naturally generated Monten Crags biome

Ghastlet Hives

Ghastlet Hives are another feature of this biome that players should watch out for. They sometimes hang from Tendrils on the ceiling. Each hive spawns 3 Ghastlets, which patrol near the hive and shoot nearby players with small fireballs.


To take out a Ghastlet Hive, they can be shot by arrows, slightly breaking it and spawning 3 more Ghastlets. After the third hit, the hive breaks, dropping a variety of loot.


The items can fall into the lava below, so it is advised to build a small platform beneath the hive before the final hit.


  • Hellberry Bushes

    • Grow everywhere in the biome

    • Drop 1-2 Hellberries when broken


  • Wartweed

    • Grow everywhere in the biome

    • Drop Nether Wart when broken

  • Tendrils

    • Grow on the ceiling

    • Sometimes hold Ghastlet Hives beneath them

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