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Questions tagged [virtual-machines]

Software-based simulation or emulation of a hardware platform (CPU and hardware devices). Famous examples of virtual-machines are VMware, QEMU, VirtualBox, Microsoft Hyper-V, ...

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Detect what app uses a comport - potentially for a vmware escape via a comport/named pipe ntoskrnl

How could I diagnose if this named pipe that goes to com1 in vmware (now to a txt file) is malware or a legitimate piece of software? Are there anyways to track what sends data to a comport in windows ...
rollsch's user avatar
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Why is Windows 10 still blocking me from running malware?

I am analyzing some malware on Windows 10. I installed FLARE VM, disabled tamper protection and disabled the virus scanner in the registry. However when I attempt to run a malware, Windows is still ...
Jason Crosby's user avatar
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How can i Lifting x86_64 assembly code to LLVM-IR

I'm researching of virus and I'm faced with the task of deobfuscating its virtual machine. I chose to do this through LLVM and I had a question, where can I see a simple example of lifting ...
OSPFv3's user avatar
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ReadProcessMemory from host to Hyper-V Windows Guest VM

Is it possible to use ReadProcessMemory or some other form of it maybe via a library to read memory from a virtual machine running inside Hyper-V? The host is running Windows 11 the Guest is running ...
x3p0's user avatar
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How to capture control flow pins on emulated serial port?

I am reverse engineering how a CPS software package communicates to a radio device. I have the basics down, and want to trick the software into thinking COM1 is the radio, when in reality I want to ...
Farhan Yusufzai's user avatar
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pick dump from a specific process from virtualbox coredump

i'm interested in reverse engineering and assembly stuff i have started to do some research and im still a complete beginner what i have learned so far that we could use virtualbox to dump the RAM ...
Someone's user avatar
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Virtual machine code obfuscation implementation details

I want to implement a VM based simple proof-of-concept obfuscator. It should take an exe file as input and produce a new pe file with appended vm section. For simplicity let's say the exe file is ...
Rob D's user avatar
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How to use Ghidra to work with VM obfuscated binaries?

By "VM obfuscated binary", I mean a binary that contains one or more implementations of a VM internally, and also some bytecode that can run on this VM. One of the reasons why this binary is this way, ...
auspicious99's user avatar
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How to track/debug/manipulate Windows processes in a VM?

I am trying to make some deep-level windows debuggig/tracing, utilizing virtualization. Considering that if a Windows runs in a virtual machine, theoretically I have total power over it - I could ...
peterh's user avatar
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Difficulty obtaining malware traffic

I'm trying to get a particular piece of malware to beacon, and I have my box connected to remnux, with inetsim and fakedns running. Using this setup I have been able to acquire good pcap from most ...
solumnant's user avatar
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custom virtual machine protection

How someone would go to reverse engineer a sample protected with a virtual machine? The problem is that it's not opcode anymore it's bytecode which I don't have any idea about because it's a private ...
zerocool's user avatar
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Debugging a process running in a Virtual Machine with Radare2?

Is there anyway to debug a process running on a Virtual Machine (guest) with Radare2 from the host? I'm currently using VirtualBox. It provides a built in debugger. I'm not sure if it's possible for ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Is there any way to capture the state of an application so as to restore execution of it later?

There are certain older, non-DirectX-based games that I can hack inside of a VM, which is amazing because I can save snapshots of states to then restore if, say, the game crashes after I attempt ...
dsasmblr's user avatar
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What are the steps to reverse engineering a Shockwave .DCR file?

I have been fascinated by reverse engineering after making several emulators and finding the pret community. I love the idea behind decompiling old games and recreating source code that recompiles ...
user2936448's user avatar
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IDA Pro v7 installation problem in VM

I have different problem. I created VM (windows7x86SP1) with VMware Fusion on Mac OSX. When I try to install IDA Pro, I have a such a error. But I couldn't find any solution. I removed VM than ...
Yavuz's user avatar
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