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Questions tagged [functions]

A sequence of instructions performing a basic task packaged as a unit in a program.

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2 answers

Tracing all functions in executable conditionally, to find function of interest

I would like to alter the behavior of some executable (in my case, a videogame). One way of doing this is to hook function calls (e.g., a function like Player::ReceiveDamage) and adjust parameters/...
tcpie's user avatar
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How to call unexported function in a third party DLL while having its PDB?

I'm new to reverse engineering and recently met with a problem: I have the dll and pdb of a debug version third party module, but I don't have its source codes. Now I want to write a piece of C++ code ...
Nekomiya Kasane's user avatar
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WebAssembly Unity base64 decipher

When in game ( going to leaderboard and searching a player id lets say: 1. It renders player data retrieved from here just fine: If I type this url (get ...
Ion Iascerinschi's user avatar
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Function return in machine code (by platform/compiler)

I am asking this question to gather a knowledge base. I know in x86-64, a machine code function can have only one function return, i.e., ret instruction. I know it can be compiler (GCC, clang, etc) ...
Mustakimur Khandaker's user avatar
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Cutter shows addresses relative to stack but not rbp. How to change it?

Look at the first image: Here what I get is var void *buf @ stack - 0x28. But I'm watching a tutorial there his Cutter shows like this: var void *buf @ rbp - 0x20. How can I change cutter to appear ...
NobinPegasus's user avatar
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Log functions called in IDA Pro?

When I run an exe in IDA how could I log which functions were called into a text file? log.txt: call func1 call func2 call func1 call func1 Not worried about indirect calls. This is for differential ...
Eva4684's user avatar
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How can I jump to the start/end of a function in x64dbg?

I'm currently debugging a program using x64dbg, and I'm wondering how to quickly jump to the start or end (prologue/epilogue) of a function while I'm in the middle of it. I couldn't find this ...
MendelG's user avatar
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split function argument from IDA's hints

Suppose I have a function, I know that the first 4 arguments come with fixed registers. _BYTE *__fastcall foo(__int64 a1, _QWORD *a2, unsigned int a3, char a4, _QWORD *a5) For the fifth one, if I ...
anonymous bear's user avatar
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which command in windbg to use to display the struct in function argument

The struct looks like this. typedef struct _RTL_DYNAMIC_HASH_TABLE_ENUMERATOR { struct _RTL_DYNAMIC_HASH_TABLE_ENTRY HashEntry; struct _LIST_ENTRY* CurEntry; struct _LIST_ENTRY* ChainHead; ULONG ...
anonymous bear's user avatar
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How to reverse an import function?

I'm reversing windows .sys file and an import function RtlLookupEntryHashTable appears in my target functions. I want to know the pseudocode of it. How to achieve this? .text:00000001C00218C2 ...
anonymous bear's user avatar
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How to speed up finding a function from pseudocode in IDA?

I have a function with the pseudocode of __int64 __fastcall sub_7FF7067A01F0(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, unsigned int a3) { if ( qword_7FF709F91498 ) return (*(__int64 (__fastcall **)(ID2D1Geometry *...
CoolNite's user avatar
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Calling a function with a variable number of args from a proxy DLL

The program I'm messing with has builtin logging. Using a proxy DLL, I managed to activate it by calling the right functions from the real DLL. However, I got stuck at using the actual logging ...
mindoverflow's user avatar
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How to define "code" variable type in Ghidra

Of all the confusing parts of Ghidra, I'd like to ask about the "code" keyword. A similar question was asked here. However, I am not asking what the keyword is, but how to interpret/define ...
Luke Dunn's user avatar
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I don't find the body of a function that I called in the main function

I have created a very simple x86 console program that uses Visual Studio 2019 compiler to sum 2 numbers just to see how is the program be after disassembly but I found something unclear to me. // C++ #...
Lion King's user avatar
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How do I find a function and find out what it does using reverse engineering?

I am attempting to find a function in a specific game. Is there any way that, using the assembly code I get from decompiling the game in either IDA or x64dbg, I can locate a function I am specifically ...
CoolNite's user avatar

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