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On lines 67, 70 and 77 ghidra makes a call to what I assume is a member function, but it does not show me which member function. Why is that?

Example from line 70:

(**(code **)(*(longlong *)metaStream + 0xd8))(metaStream)

Call in assembly:

qword ptr [RAX + 0xd8]

How can I make ghidra show me which function is being called?

1 Answer 1


The problem is that Ghidra for whatever reason cannot determine what the actual target of this call is. This might just be a limitation of the C++ support in Ghidra. There are plugins that try to support this better:

but you can also do this manually if you already know the target function via manual reverse engineering:

ref = program.referenceManager.addMemoryReference(
                    callsite, # FROM, the address of the call instruction
                    func_address, //TO, the address of the function being called
program.referenceManager.setPrimary(ref, true)

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