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You can download data for, production volumes, revenue, federal sales and disbursements here. All data is from the Office of Natural Resources Revenue.


Production by month

This dataset includes commodity volumes of natural resources by month. Natural resources are extracted from federal lands, federal waters, and Native American lands. We offer data from January 2003 through the most recently available month.

Production by year

This dataset includes commodity volumes of natural resources by year. Natural resources are extracted from federal lands, federal waters, and Native American lands. Federal production volumes are available by state, county, and offshore area. Location data is withheld for Native American data. We offer production data for calendar and fiscal years.

Production disposition by month

This dataset contains monthly production disposition volumes from ONRR’s OGOR-B form. These volumes come from the production of oil and gas. Production locations include federal lands, federal waters, and Native American lands.
Disposition descriptions of the product include:
  • directly removed/sold
  • directly used (injected)
  • moved off the lease
  • transferred to a different facility
  • flared
  • spilled and/or lost
  • lost through evaporation/shrinkage



There are three revenue datasets offered:
  • Revenue by month for January 2003 through the most recently completed month of the current year.
  • Revenue by calendar year from 2003 through the most recently completed year.
  • Revenue by fiscal year from 2004 through the most recently completed year.
The data includes revenue from federal lands, federal waters, and Native American lands. The data is further broken down by location, lease type, revenue type, and commodity information.

Historical revenue

This dataset offers revenue by calendar year from 1982 through 2002. The data includes revenue from federal lands and federal waters. The data is further broken down by location, revenue type, and commodity information.

Download historical revenue data:

Federal revenue by company

This dataset provides natural resource federal revenue by company. It includes revenue types by commodity for companies extracting natural resources on federal lands and waters. It does not include company revenue from Native American lands or privately owned lands.

Federal sales

Federal sales by calendar year

This dataset contains federal sales data for oil, gas, and natural gas liquids (NGLs) that report volumes for royalty and non-royalty bearing transactions by calendar year. This federal sales data represents sales transactions that took place within a given calendar year. The dataset is for calendar years 2013-2023.


Disbursements by month

The amount of money earned from the extraction of natural resources on federal lands is disbursed to various legislated funds every month.

Disbursements by year

The amount of money earned from the extraction of natural resources on federal lands is disbursed to various legislated funds by fiscal year.

Historical disbursements

This dataset offers disbursements data by fiscal year from 1982 through 2002.

Download historical disbursements data:

Data collection and validation

As a steward of natural resources and energy revenue, the Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR) handles three main functions. These functions are: collecting the revenue, verifying the revenue, and disbursing the revenue. ONRR collects and manages data to do its tasks. This data is the foundation for this site’s production, revenue, and disbursement datasets.


ONRR's data management processes include collection and validation.


Each month, companies report data to ONRR on the following:
  • The amount of resources they produced and sold.
  • The value of their sold or used production.
  • The amount of royalties they owe the federal government.
Oil and gas companies are required to submit two key monthly reports to ONRR. The first report is the Oil and Gas Operations Report (OGOR) . The OGOR report specifies the total production and disposition of oil and gas. The second report is the Sales and Royalty Remittance Report, Form ONRR-2014 . The ONRR-2014 reports royalties due based on sales or use of the production.

Solid minerals companies are only required to submit one monthly Production and Royalty (P&R) Report, Form ONRR-4430 .


ONRR verifies royalties through its compliance management program. This program ensures that the royalty revenues generated from the sales of commodities extracted from leased federal lands are accurately paid and reported. The compliance program includes validation of the reported data using upfront edits, data mining, audits, and compliance reviews.
  • Upfront edits. Data goes through initial upfront system edits before being accepted into ONRR’s financial systems.
  • Data mining. Data mining is a partially automated activity to identify and resolve data errors before audits and compliance reviews. It examines large sets of company-reported data for common errors, such as irregularities in the volume of oil or gas extracted. If errors are identified, ONRR staff work with companies to have them correct the data.
  • Audits. An audit involves detailed examinations of companies’ royalty payments and corresponding reporting. Audits ensure that royalty payments and other obligations to ONRR comply with lease terms, federal laws and regulations, and other policies.
  • Compliance reviews. A compliance review is an analysis that determines the reasonableness of company-reported production and royalty data.


ONRR maintains datasets and provides them to the public through this site. The datasets include production, revenue, and disbursements. These datasets each have unique attributes.


Production data found on this site comes from several places. Oil and gas companies report production on ONRR’s Oil and Gas Operations Report (OGOR) . Companies report solid minerals production on ONRR’s Production and Royalty (P&R) Report, Form ONRR-4430 . Companies use these forms to electronically report their production information. The reported data undergoes initial upfront system edits. After that, it is accepted into ONRR’s financial systems.


Revenue data found on this site comes from several places. Oil and gas companies report royalties, rents, and other revenues on Form ONRR-2014 . Companies report solid minerals royalties, rents, bonuses, and other revenues on Form ONRR-4430 . Companies use these forms to electronically report their revenue payment information. This company-reported data goes through initial upfront system edits. After that, it is accepted into ONRR’s financial systems. Additional revenue comes from ONRR’s accounts receivable data. These payments are not tied to sales volumes and royalties. They are submitted to ONRR by companies and matched to ONRR-generated receivables. The accounts receivable revenues data includes payments for interest and civil penalties.


Disbursement data found on this site comes from ONRR. ONRR reconciles the company-reported royalty data and other revenue data with the payments to the U.S. Treasury. Then, ONRR disburses the funds from the Treasury account to the appropriate federal, state, or tribal accounts. All these transactions are reported and stored in ONRR’s systems.

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