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Questions tagged [electron]

A budget computer made by Acorn and released in 1983. A cut-down version of the Acorn BBC Micro.

6 votes
3 answers

Why doesn't the Acorn Electron use fast page mode?

The Acorn Electron, trying to provide 32K of RAM as cheaply as possible, uses four 64k chips, for a 4-bit data bus. Obviously, this involves trading away some performance. (In all the following ...
rwallace's user avatar
  • 63.1k
8 votes
1 answer

Did any 8-bit computers use 16kx4 RAM chips?

An 8-bit computer wanting 64K of RAM, could most straightforwardly use eight 64kx1 DRAM chips (64kbit, 1 data line). The Commodore 64 initially did this, but in the mid-80s, the cost-reduced redesign ...
rwallace's user avatar
  • 63.1k
4 votes
1 answer

Did BBC Micro and Electron games use custom tape loaders?

Back in the day, I owned a Commodore 64, and I noticed that essentially all games on tape, provided their own code for reading the tape, instead of using the code provided in ROM. This had two ...
rwallace's user avatar
  • 63.1k
9 votes
2 answers

Screen "garbage" in Acorn Electron games

A common feature of later games released for the Acorn Electron was the use of screen memory to store game code. This was commonly known as screen "garbage", and can be seen on games like Exile. I ...
pmarflee's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How long was the production run for the Acorn Electron?

I owned an Acorn Electron during the 1980s. It was a great little machine, which was still supported with magazines and games until about 1990. However I'm not sure how long the machine was actually ...
pmarflee's user avatar
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3 answers

Acorn Electron to VGA/HDMI?

I am aware that there are answers regarding this but they do not seem to answer it for me. A few years back I got a Acorn Electron and it works using the arial for video fine, but I would like to ...
Antony's user avatar
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2 answers

Acorn Electron fails to load .UEF files converted to .WAV

I have an Acorn Electron that came without tape recorder, so I'm using Audacity to record and replay programs which works fine. Now I also have some software as UEF (Universal Emulator Format) files. ...
Cees Meijer's user avatar