After solving a configuration challenge, the ISA Token Ring adapter in my RS/6000 is still not connected to the ring.

Extract from errpt -a:

LABEL:          NONE
IDENTIFIER:     0118D2D0

Date/Time:       Sat Sep 30 10:20:15 
Sequence Number: 4348
Machine Id:      005D8D264C00
Node Id:         r390
Class:           U
Type:            NONE
Resource Name:   tok0
Resource Class:  adapter
Resource Type:   tokenring
Location:        01-01
        Displayable Message.........ISA Token Ring

Output of tokstat tok0, which takes several seconds to return:

tokstat: 0909-004 Unable to get statistics on device tok0, errno = 69

When I run the test routine of the adapter in SMS, the adapter can be 'opened' successfully, I see the MAU lobe become active.

AIX is not able to achieve the same, even though the adapter is reported to be 'available'.

tok0 Available 01-01 IBM 16/4 PowerPC Token-Ring Adapter (isa)

I cannot find any useful information in regards to the output of errpt or tokstat.

The LEDs on the card blink in pattern 'green, green, amber, off`.

What can I do to understand why AIX struggles to use the adapter?


Some progress:

# tokstat tok0
Device Type: Token-Ring IBM ISA Adapter
Hardware Address: 08:00:5a:d2:85:45
Elapsed Time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 5 seconds

Transmit Statistics:                          Receive Statistics:
--------------------                          -------------------
Packets: 0                                    Packets: 0
Bytes: 0                                      Bytes: 0
Interrupts: 0                                 Interrupts: 0
Transmit Errors: 0                            Receive Errors: 0
Packets Dropped: 0                            Packets Dropped: 0
                                              Bad Packets: 0
Max Packets on S/W Transmit Queue: 0         
S/W Transmit Queue Overflow: 0
Current S/W+H/W Transmit Queue Length: 1

Broadcast Packets: 0                          Broadcast Packets: 0
Multicast Packets: 0                          Multicast Packets: 0
Timeout Errors: 0                             Receive Congestion Errors: 0
Current SW Transmit Queue Length: 0
Current HW Transmit Queue Length: 1

General Statistics:
No mbuf Errors: 0                             Lobe Wire Faults: 0
Abort Errors: 0                               AC Errors: 0
Burst Errors: 0                               Frame Copy Errors: 0
Frequency Errors: 0                           Hard Errors: 0
Internal Errors: 0                            Line Errors: 0
Lost Frame Errors: 0                          Only Station: 0
Token Errors: 0                               Remove Received: 0
Ring Recovered: 0                             Signal Loss Errors: 0
Soft Errors: 0                                Transmit Beacon Errors: 0
Driver Flags: Up Broadcast Running 
        Simplex 16 Mbps 

An incorrect setting apparently prevented communication with the card.

Now there are no more errors reported by errpt and tokstat reports something, though the adapter isn't opened permanently. tokstat opens it briefly, though it closes again immediately afterwards.

What needs to happen to make the adapter be open continuously?


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