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According to wiki IBM System 360 had byte addressable RAM.

DidPreviously IBM had machine with word addressable memory. Did they do itmake a switch for comparability between different machines?

Or it was just performance or money or single symbol size reasoning behind it?

According to wiki IBM System 360 had byte addressable RAM.

Did they do it for comparability between different machines?

Or it was just performance or money or single symbol size reasoning behind it?

According to wiki IBM System 360 had byte addressable RAM.

Previously IBM had machine with word addressable memory. Did they make a switch for comparability between different machines?

Or it was just performance or money or single symbol size reasoning behind it?

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Why did IBM System 360 have byte addressable RAM

According to wiki IBM System 360 had byte addressable RAM.

Did they do it for comparability between different machines?

Or it was just performance or money or single symbol size reasoning behind it?