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How r/ModernistArchitecture grew their community to 43k subscribers

Community Spotlight
Discover how u/joaoslr created a home where love for modernism could exist and how they grew r/ModernistArchitecture into the thriving community it is today.

What inspired you to create r/ModernistArchitecture?

My growing frustration with the existing architecture related subreddits. Each time I (or someone else) tried to share anything related with modernist architecture, the comments would get full of trolls with the typical low-effort anti-modernist bashing saying things like "modernism is awful", "Le Corbusier is trash", and so on, making it difficult to have interesting and constructive discussions. After some time I got tired of this and decided that it was time to do something about it, and created this subreddit with the objective of being a place where everyone could share their constructive views and preferences regarding modernism, away from the usual trolls.

What was the first thing you did after you created it?

Defined a concise set of rules that all the users should follow.

If you were to give new moderators tips for growing their subreddit, what might you say to them?

The most effective way to grow your sub is to crosspost some of its content to other related subs, so that users from these subs become aware of your new sub. This should be done with moderation, to avoid spamming the other subs and annoying their users.

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Can you share one of the more memorable moments or experiences that you've witnessed as a result of your online community?

For me the most memorable moment was when the community started to become alive and I stopped being the only user to post new content.

What did you do, to help create the culture you have today in your community?

I believe that having a good moderation team is the first step for a well working online community. It doesn't have to be a big team, it just needs to be a team with passionate people that have good communication between them.

The second step is to be clear in your actions and communicate them to the users. For example, when we delete a post or comment we explain in a constructive way why we did it, so that the user in question understands which rule he broke. That way we can educate the community on the rules, which are well defined and easily available on the sidebar.

The last step is to truly be part of the community and not just sit aside as a moderator. In this sub the moderation team frequently posts new content and participates in discussions started by other users. This allows us to also experience the sub as "regular users" and to adapt our rules and actions accordingly.

How long did it take, from inception to when you started feeling like you had a thriving community?

I believe it took me around 1 year.

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