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Raspberry Pi 4 b+ with SIM900A Module Error

I'm working on a project that includes send a SMS message. I have tried connecting my raspberry pi with sim900a. Having problems with communication with sim. I've tried using AT commands with minicom ...
Dannysan's user avatar
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Unable to import pyserial or serial in python 3.4.2

I am not able to import pyserial or serial module in a python script. Package is properly installed (I think) using the following commands: sudo apt-get install python3-serial pip3 install pyserial --...
SReub's user avatar
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Python - How to automaticly open first available serial port (COM/tty) [closed]

I am new at Python and I want to learn serial communication between Raspberry and other devices like PC, arduino, sensors... I often plug and unplug devices like arduino, FTDI, etc. to COM port... I ...
Sahasrar's user avatar
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Wierd output in python from serial connection output

Output: b'00000-000000\r\n' b'450302198011281530\r\n' b'' b'' b'+\x00--To--\r\x12-\x00000800\r\x12-\x00000800\r\x12' b'-\x00000800\r\x12-\x00000800\r\x12' b'-\x00000800\r\x12-\x00000800\r\x12' ...
user123928's user avatar
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Serial communication with arduino over bluetooth

I am using rfcomm to connect to an Arduino nano (HC-06 bluetooth module) from my RPI 4B+. It works flawlessly and the two devices are able to communicate with no issues. I need to be able to connect ...
marc.soda's user avatar
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How to run " import serial" and "import cv2" in one python file?

I am actually creating my project wherein I can control my raspberry pi in my pc using FPV Radio Telemetry. The scenario is my pc will send string data like "red" and "blue" to my pi. After my pi ...
user3427379's user avatar
3 votes
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Raspberry Pi Zero W serial communication

I just got a RPI zero w and I want to communicate to a device through serial comm. I also have a MAX232 board and a RS232 TTL converter. I want to use one of this boards to be able to communicate with ...
X Tzevu's user avatar
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Rpi3B+ Control Half Duplex UART Bus Servo DynaMixel AX-12A, HiWonder LX-224HV Problem

I have a project to make mobile robot with Dynamixel AX-12A as the wheel, so i changes the AX-12A to Wheel Mode with CM-530 and it works well. I follow the guide from
Ryan Fikri's user avatar
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Hardware controlled RTS on a Pi4 not working accurately

We need to use RS485 to talk to one of our custom tools. We need to use hardware controlled rts/cts. I've read so many articles about this but nobody ever says it works for them with fast timing and ...
JSMNST's user avatar
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Serial comms & USB camera in parallel/threaded?

My project is currently using OpenCV to controll a pair of motors via hardware PWM (am using the pigpio library for GPIO control). The video input is from a USB webcam. I would like to add some ...
DrBwts's user avatar
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Sending Data from LoRa connected to Raspberry Pi

My objective is to connect a LoRa module with RPi and send data using it. So I made the connection:(Rpi to LoRa) 3v3 (Physical Pin 1) to Power Source (Pin 1) Tx (Physical Pin 8) to Rx (Pin 3) Rx (...
Breakpoint's user avatar
-1 votes
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Serial read from arduino not working properly

I am trying to read analog read from ardunio connected to my raspberry pi. Following are my raspberry pi and arduino codes. Raspbery pi: import time import serial ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0'...
vkrm's user avatar
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pigpio python serial wave output not correct

I am trying to use joan's pigpio to write a serial command on my Rpi 3 gpio 14(UART0TX).My goal is to write a command from the pi to another device. When i send the command i do not see the ...
Zack Jackson's user avatar
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mqtt on rpi zero w

I have rpi zero w system with below spec. system specifications: micro SD card slot, a mini HDMI port, two micro USB ports (one for power, one for USB), and 512MB of RAM. It has a single-core 700 MHz ...
3bu1's user avatar
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Want to Read COM Port Data and Write into TKinter Text Window

Using Python3, I want to read data on a serial port and display it into a tkinter GUI text window (not only the shell). Pretend I am trying to make the equivalent of a serial port character display. ...
Forrest Erickson's user avatar