the idea I want to achieve is this: I'm planning to make an eye-tracker device, which is in 2 parts: the first part is what the subject/user wears, includes an eyeglass-shaped frame, 2 Infrared cameras and one RGB camera, which are going to be connected to a Raspberry Pi powered by a battery pack. and the feeds are going to be transmitted to the second part, which is a wifi receiver connected to a pc.

so the 3 live video feeds are this: 2 grayscale feeds and 1 RGB feed, and let's assume they're in 720p-120fps. the question is, can I use FFmpeg, to compress the feeds in realtime, and make the packages small enough so they fit the bandwidth that the WiFi 5 module onboard the Pi (or an external wifi 6 module) can provide? I want the compression to be nearly lossless, but it's ok if it's not absolutely perfect. is it possible? and if so, which codec I should use and what settings you suggest me to use?

Edit 1:

  • 1 * 1280×720@120fps 24-Bit (RGB) = 2,654,208 kbps ~= 2.65 Gbps
  • 2 * 1280×720@120fps 8-Bit (Grayscale) = 1,769,472 kbps ~= 1.77 Gbps total
  • raw bandwidth needed: ~4.42 Gbps

Intel® Wi-Fi 7 BE200 can go up to 5.8 Gbps, what if I use this with a Pi 5?

  • Does your Pi model have any built-in hardware codecs (the way PC GPUs often do)? At the specified parameters, CPU-based encoding seems to be out of the question.
    – user1686
    Commented Jul 3 at 16:42
  • reading about it, it doesn't seem like it has a hardware encode. I can buy and switch to another hardware if I can't do realtime compression using Pi's CPU fast enough. what hardware do you recommend to use? any version of Pi, or maybe an orange Pi, or something else?
    – Valo_iO
    Commented Jul 3 at 16:51
  • It seems unlikely even a Pi-5 would have sufficient speed to keep up with video running fast enough to capture ocular saccadic movement, 120 fps, as you state. Perhaps three Pi's ~9.42?), one for each feed, might do it?
    – DrMoishe Pippik
    Commented Jul 3 at 17:04
  • @DrMoishe Pippik, interesting, well 3Pi's would be too big and heavy for the user to wear, do you suggest any alternatives? can Pi-5's built-in wifi module handle the 3 feeds wirelessly without or with light compression? or maybe with a wifi 6 module added on top?
    – Valo_iO
    Commented Jul 3 at 17:35
  • If you make the calculations, uncompressed RGB 720p @ 120 fps is 2.5 Gbps per feed, so I'm having my doubts.
    – user1686
    Commented Jul 3 at 17:58


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