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Questions tagged [shors-algorithm]

Shor's algorithm, named after American mathematician Peter Shor, is a quantum algorithm for integer factorization, formulated in 1994. Informally, it solves the following problem: given an integer N, find its prime factors.

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Why doesn't Shor's algorithm suggest a fast classical algorithm?

I am reading (and quoting) Andrew Child's notes, and I'm trying to understand the HSP for abelian groups, and in particular why the quantum algorithm doesn't shed any light on a potential classical ...
Jackson Walters's user avatar
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Why when using Shor's Algorithm to factor 33 am I getting 5 as a period half of the time?

When using Shor's algorithm to try to factor 33 I expect the period found to be 10, however when I run it using qiskit and qasm simulator I keep getting 5 and 10 appearing as the most common periods ...
Andre's user avatar
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How to run Shor's algorithm on real quantum hardware with Qiskit?

I am trying to factor 15 with Shor's algorithm and want to find the period for $a^x$ mod $15$ on real quantum hardware with Qiskit. I took the code from the Qiskit Textbook and managed to run it on ...
quantum_interested's user avatar
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General number of classical bits: recycles qubits

I am trying to write a Qiskit routine to perform qubit recycling for Shor's algorithm. This is a procedure by which the M-bit control register is replaced by a single quantum register, and the ...
Robert Singleton's user avatar
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Why circuit in Shor algorithm differs for different factorized numbers?

I recently started studying quantum algorithms, and I have a question about Shor algorithm. I have been reading Qiskit documentation and other books and articles, I felt like it was changing the ...
purin's user avatar
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Where to find a generic implementation of Shor's algorithm with Qiskit?

Since Shor's algorithm was deprecated in Qiskit, I'm wondering where to find a generic implementation. There are some examples over the Internet but factoring of 15 is just hardcoded.
Alexender Iotko's user avatar
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Shor’s / qiskit.circuit.exceptions.CircuitError: 'duplicate qubit arguments' [closed]

All code for Quantum Realiazition Shor's algoritm P.S. I hope all operation almost correct. ...
Bekzad Dzhanpolatov's user avatar
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Why we do SWAP operations for applying a mode N function in Shor algorithms and How we do this swapping? [duplicate]

I am working on implementing shor algorithm for finding prime factors of N = 15. I am trying to understand a code of qiskit, but i am confused how and why the code editor is using swap codes to define ...
Tayyab Yahya's user avatar
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How to read the result of quantum shor circuit for N=15

I found many circuits for the Shor algorithm for N=15, but i don't understand how to read the result 3 or 5. Where can i find the result e.g. for this circuit I found it here
Mathias Pichler's user avatar
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What are the ambient group $G$ and the hidden subgroup $H$ in Shor's order finding algorithm?

It is widely believed that Shor's order-finding algorithm is an example of hidden subgroup problem. However, there is a little trick here. The problem is what is the hidden subgroup in Shor's order ...
tangyao's user avatar
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Classical computation required in Shor's algorithm: are they heavy?

A quantum computer also requires to perform classical computations. I would like to know if to implement Shor's algorithm, there is a heavy classical computation cost (i.e. that would require a ...
HelloMan's user avatar
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Happy 30th Anniversary to Shor's Algorithm! How challenging was the review process when it was first announced?

Shor's algorithm dropped 30 years ago sometime in April, 1994. Peter Shor has given many wonderful accounts of the early history of the field and of what sparked his particular interest. Shor has been ...
Mark Spinelli's user avatar
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Practical implementation of Shor and other factoring algorithms

I explore the realm of open-source quantum computers, particularly those available in the current or near-term future. My goal is to implement the largest possible integer factorizations. I would ...
ali khosravi's user avatar
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(April Fools 2024) Where can we find out more details about the recent factoring of RSA-2048?

[Note that this was originally asked on April 1, 2024, also known as April Fool's day in many Western nations] I'm hearing some rumors that a combination of neutral atoms (Lukin's group?), in ...
Mark Spinelli's user avatar
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Why FACTORING is in second level of Fourier hierarchy?

As per comlexityzoo web, the definition of the k-th level of Fourier Hierarchy (FH) is: $FH_k$ is the class of problems solvable by a uniform family of polynomial-size quantum circuits, with k levels ...
Manish Kumar's user avatar

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