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Questions tagged [ibm-quantum-devices]

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Process Tomography and transpiler not running and eventually crashing kernel

I am running a Quantum Process Tomography on a circuit with a custom pulse added to a calibation for a CNOT gate. Upon running the circuit, running it on the backend takes forever and eventually ends ...
idislikecoding's user avatar
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Gate fidelity reported in the ibm qcs

Simple question: for some retired ibm quantum computers (for instance lima), how was the gate fidelity measured? I know that they involved a kind of average fidelity, but I would like to know ...
user2820579's user avatar
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Can IBM Quantum hardware handle any CSWAP at all?

I am designing quantum algorithms where the quantum circuit uses CSWAP gates a lot. The result is very noisy on the quantum hardwares. So I designed really simple circuits to test whether it is indeed ...
Deren  Liu's user avatar
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Retrieve old jobs from IBM qcs after later qiskit changes

I don't know anymore how can I retrieve old jobs from qiskit via the jupyter notebook. When I try to use the commands ...
user2820579's user avatar
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Does anyone have an idea about the execution power of IBM summit for VQE? I'd appreciate sources of papers as well for supercomputer execution

I'm trying to find the execution power of VQE in super computer and I want to know the factors of execution such as iterations, shots, convergence, etc. Please help me and also, I'd appreciate if ...
InnocentLlama's user avatar
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qiskit_aer.aererror.AerError: 'unknown instruction: ccry'

I'm trying to use qiskit_aer_gpu 0.14.2 with qiskit 1.1.0 I defined the class CCRYGate() y another script ...
ozark's user avatar
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Does Qiskit SamplerV2 change circuit depth?

I'm currently implementing some algorithms on IBM quantum devices. After the migration to qiskit 1.0, I started using primitives and SamplerV2. What I observed is that even if I manually select a ...
G.Lebonwski's user avatar
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qiskit transpile taking forever to run while CPU usage near zero

I am using the following code to use IBM's quantum computer. My understanding is that it is required before circuits are passed to the real quantum computers as certain operations and instructions ...
Deren  Liu's user avatar
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Qiskit IBM Runtime EstimatorV2 has changed the user specified default number of shots

While I am running some simulations on IBM hardware, I've noticed that the number of shots recorded in the metadata of the job is different from the number of shots I've specified. For example, I've ...
squareroottwo's user avatar
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IBM quantum computer backend cycle time and real gate duration

I am new to dynamical decoupling and is trying to study this from qiskit: . There, they are specifying the ...
Tianqi Chen's user avatar
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IBM Quantum payload error

I've received the following error on one of the circuits I'm running on IBM Quantum devices (on IBM Brisbane) using EstimatorV2 primitive. ...
squareroottwo's user avatar
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Quantum Computing - via Qiskit - error 403

A year ago, I registered in the IBM Quantum Computing app, which provides access to quantum computers and to simulators. I got an API key, and was able to run some programs. However, lately, I try to ...
JDias's user avatar
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IBM fake backend vs real backend

It is claimed that the fake backends of IBM will have noise similar to the real backends. However, to what extent can we expect them to produce the same results? I have run my quantum circuit on the ...
Deren  Liu's user avatar
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How to run the post processing and return results in QAOA?

As suggested in TranspilerError: 'Number of qubits (40) in QAOA is greater than maximum (30) in the coupling_map' issue. I managed to submit the job to IBM quantum and the circuit runs successfully. ...
Lasal Hettiarachchi's user avatar
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QiskitBackendNotFoundError - Unable to run the backend using BackendEstimator primitive

I am trying to run a small quantum circuit and generate the expectation value of an observable using the BackendEstimator primitive by incorporating the noise model ...
Pamul Yadav's user avatar
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Running VQE code using qiskit_nature on IBM computers

$\texttt{qiskit_nature}$ no longer has the $\texttt{runtime}$ feature and $\texttt{VQEClient}$ function that was used to run a VQE code on one of the IBM computers. I could not find any easy migration ...
chiral_fermion's user avatar
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Low Fidelity In IBM Quantum Computers

I am just trying to calculate the highest fidelity of preparing GHZ states on IBM quantum computers and I run my circuit on qubits with the lowest readout error. However, I just obtain fidelity of the ...
physicino's user avatar
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TranspilerError: 'Number of qubits (40) in QAOA is greater than maximum (30) in the coupling_map'

Hi Ive been trying to solve a custom PO problem using QAOA and I ran into this particular error. As per my understanding,this is due to the limitation of the simulation hardware. But as per the ...
Lasal Hettiarachchi's user avatar
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Set Initial Layout for State Tomography

I am trying to do some state tomography to generate GHZ states and calculate fidelity. For running the code, I want to execute my code with the qubits with the lowest readout error using initial ...
physicino's user avatar
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IBMProvider.load_account() AttributeError: type object 'IBMProvider' has no attribute 'load_account'

I am trying to resolve the below deprecation warnings I am getting while using IBMQ framework. ...
Manu's user avatar
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Query about Obtaining Measurement Counts on IBM Quantum Platform

I hope this message finds you well. After nearly a year, I've recently returned to using the IBM Quantum platform to run quantum circuits. I've noticed several changes in the process compared to my ...
Byeongyong Park's user avatar
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Resources on the energy consumption of IBM quantum computers?

I am seeking information regarding the energy consumption of IBM Quantum Computers, specifically inquiring about the energy requirements associated with individual gate operations. Could you also ...
goga suknidze's user avatar
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Is there a way to use a fake backend for ibm_brisbane?

Is there a way to use a fake backend for ibm_brisbane? I tried this but it is giving me the error that the backend is not present: ...
Amey Meher's user avatar
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Get the error of basis gates programmatically

I want to get the error rates of the basis gates of a backend. Is there a function that can achieve this functionality? For example, I want the error rates of the basis gates rx, cx of ibmq_mumbai ...
Amey Meher's user avatar
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What is the current qubit reset mechanism on IBM Quantum devices before running a new circuit?

What is the current qubit reset mechanism on IBM Quantum devices before running a new circuit? One could either wait long enough (as much as 2 ms perhaps) in order to ensure that all qubits decay to ...
Radu M.'s user avatar
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QiskitBackendNotFoundError: 'No backend matches the criteria'

I am struggling with the QiskitBackendNotFoundError: 'No backend matches the criteria' even though I am able to see the backends available to me. ...
Manu's user avatar
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Run a circuit on "simulator_statevector" of the IBM Quantum Platforms

I would like to obtain the statevector of a QuantumCircuit using the simulator_statevector (and Qiskit) of the IBM Quantum ...
stopper's user avatar
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Instruction h is not supported

I'm new at quantum computing and I'm trying to run a script with IBM quantum. I'm using brisbane and getting that error "Instruction h is not supported". I get the same error for cx gate as ...
Ecem 's user avatar
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Understanding frequency sweep results on superconducting quantum computers

I have run some frequency sweep experiments on ibm_osaka quantum computer from IBM. The experiment is presented here in detail:
Radu M.'s user avatar
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Qiskit result per shot

I want to run a simple circuit with one qubit and a hadamard gate on a Quantum Machine. I want the result of every shot in a list. It works with a simulator and the get_memory function but this ...
EFH's user avatar
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Equivalent method to `get_counts()` for `Aer_simulator`?

I was working on a quantum circuit and recently switched from using a local AerSimulator to some of the quantum backends provided by IBM. When I used ...
Ash Ketchum's user avatar
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Underlying Hamiltonians and pulse level controls of different commercially available quantum computers

My research area is in quantum state transfer, and I am trying to perform a 'proof of principle' that requires the underlying Hamiltonians of quantum systems and the control I can have on these ...
ZacB's user avatar
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Current situation of quantum computing with respect to physical vs logical qubits

As an example I'm going to start with Google and IBM. Google has the Sycamore processor right now with 53 physical qubits. However I haven't found any info on how many logical qubits it can actually ...
Omeglac's user avatar
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PulseSchedule jobs not getting submitted on Pulse enabled machines on IBM Quantum

There was a recent migration, referring the below document: Before this migration, I was using IBMQ ...
Amey Meher's user avatar
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Retrieving job result attributes in Qiskit

I am trying to optimize a Hamiltonian using QAOA in IBM Qiskit. I used the following 'minimize' function to get my result. (I am not including the whole code because it will get unnecessarily long). <...
Amrita P's user avatar
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How to get pulse-level historical calibration data for OpenPulse devices?

I see that there is a way to access historical IBM backend properties such as gate errors and gate lengths (discussed here). Is there any way to also get pulse-level historical calibration data for ...
jchadwick's user avatar
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Running Pulse Schedules with different resilience levels

Is there a way to run a Pulse schedule with different resilience levels? I was thinking about passing the resilience level values in the options of Sampler primitive, but when I tried to run, it says ...
Amey Meher's user avatar
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How can visualise the old error map of Ibm backend if one save the calibration data of the backend at that time?

I have the calibration data of an Ibm backend and now I want to plot the error map of the device at that specific time. How can I do this?
Shil S's user avatar
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How does error accumulate when entangling two distant qubits with limited connectivity?

My goal is to minimize accumulated error when entangling two qubits that cannot be entangled via a single native two qubit gate operation. I have a coupling map/graph for the qubits of an IBM quantum ...
ty.'s user avatar
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List of IBM devices

A few weeks ago I was on a website that had a list of IBM quantum devices and it showed the topology and frequency of each of the qubits but I can't seem to find that anymore. I was hoping that ...
greenbug's user avatar
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New QASM2ParseError for old circuit on IBM composer

A while ago I wrote an example of quantum teleportation circuit in the IBM Composer which ran fine as of three days ago. Yesterday, however, when I try to run the circuit, I get the following error: ...
Lachlan Belcher's user avatar
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IBMQ Open Plan Access: How many circuits can i run per job? How many jobs can i run in general?

I think my question is not difficult at all, but I don't find any Information about the Open Plan of IBMQ. Such as how many circuits I can run per job and so on. I could not find the EULA too, I ...
Qubii's user avatar
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How to predict state vector of a quantum circuit in IBM qiskit

How to Predict the state vector output of the following quantum circuit? ...
Khilesh Chauhan's user avatar
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What is a "quantum communication link"?

The IBM roadmap for scaling their quantum computers refer to a quantum communication link to combine together multiple smaller quantum chips. What is the technology that enables connecting together ...
Jim Haddocc's user avatar
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Unable to open Qiskit Assignments for Qiskit 2023. (Quantum Challenge 2023) [closed]

Unable to open Qiskit Assignments for Qiskit 2023. (Quantum Challenge 2023) I was very excited to be a part of Qi skit 2023. I went through all the lectures in the crowd cast, but now I am very upset ...
Mriganka Sandilya's user avatar
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Why does my quantum circuit run so slow on a real IBM quantum hardware?

I have created a very simple circuit on qiskit to produce a Bell state: bell = QuantumCircuit(2) bell.h(0), 1) bell.measure_all() And I then run it on a ...
Stéphane's user avatar
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Exploiting virtual-$Z_{\theta}$ corrections in QEC

The work done by IBM Researchers to perform virtual-$Z_{\theta}$ gates allowed them to: achieving zero-time relative phase shifts; correcting $Z_{\phi}$ errors occurring when applying some gates -- e....
Daniele Cuomo's user avatar
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How can I find the documented T1 time of a retired IBM system?

I need to find the published mean T1 time for the 'ibm_oslo' system that I used in an experiment a while back. Unfortunately, that system has now been retired and there's seemingly no way for me to ...
Lucy H's user avatar
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Phase estimation of the Pauli-Y matrix

I'm trying to use the phase estimation algorithm to extract the eigen value for both eigen vectors of the Pauli-Y matrix using the ibm quantum experiance. So far I have this for the possitive state |+&...
Charlie Plath's user avatar
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Understanding the Quantum Circuit for Bell State Creation with Dynamic Circuit using Qiskit

Jeevesh Krishna 's user avatar

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