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Questions tagged [variance]

Used for questions related to statistical measure "variance", i.e. a second central moment of a random variable. The variance is a risk measure.

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How is Itô's Lemma connected to Messmore's Variance Drain?

How does Itô's Lemma explain the concept of volatility drain in investment returns, and how do the associated equations illustrate this effect? I did the following considerations so far: In financial ...
Marlon Brando's user avatar
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Heston model: odd simulations of variance and asset price process path

I've done Monte Carlo simulations of asset and variance processes of the Heston model on Silver via a Full Truncation of Euler discretisation scheme to learn and see for myself how the simulation ...
AQT's user avatar
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How the variance process in discretised form influence the asset price in the Heston model

I'm trying to do Monte Carlo simulation paths of an asset price with time step $\Delta t$ via the discretised Euler scheme. My main question is how does the variance process influence the asset price ...
AQT's user avatar
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How to calculate realized variance?

I have data about all order book events for a day. I know the midpoint price for each time when something happened to the LOB. If I use all of this data to calculate, I get a high daily realized ...
rallen2lk's user avatar
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Emanuel Derman Volatility Approximation [closed]

Can someone please explain Emanuel Derman's volatility approximation as given below? Under Linear Skew If skew is assumed to be linear, at least for strikes relatively close to the money, then Derman’...
toobigtofail's user avatar
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Predictive Forecast (Close, 14)

I've been following an asset wherein a "R-squared predictive forecast (close, 14)" is posted online each day. On some days, this figure is extremely high, like .92. Exactly what is the ...
Chris's user avatar
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How to prove the inequality for the standard deviation of a linear combination of two random variables

The variance of the linear combination V of random variables X₁ and X₂ is given by the following formula: $$ \sigma_{V}^{2} = s^{2} \sigma_{1}^{2}+(1-s)^2 \sigma_{2}^{2}+2 s(1-s) c_{12} $$ where s and ...
bokabokaboka's user avatar
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Variance decomposition in the frequency domain

I have done a time-domain decomposition of a generalized forecast error variance from a VAR model of exchange rates and inflation rates. The data are monthly. I am not very adept at doing the ...
Pavel Filip's user avatar
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How to calculate historical returns and variance for a non-BAH trading strategy?

Suppose i have a strategy that is not buy-and-hold type of strategy. It can have unique entry timing and unique exit timing for a single asset and both long and short positions will be allowed, and ...
Kevin Kim's user avatar
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Cross corridor var swap

How should I think about replicating a cross corridor variance swap like breaking into strips of calls and puts and an over hedge that I can rebalance at some frequency? Given the earnings move, I can ...
exotics101's user avatar
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How to calculate the spot variance from the TSRV (Two-Scale Realized variance)

If the TSRV is given by: $$TSRV = \frac{1}{K} \sum_{i=K}^{n} (S_i - S_{i-K})^2 - \frac{\bar{n}}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n (S_i - S_{i-1})^2 $$ where $\bar{n} = \frac{n - K + 1}{K}$, with $n$ is the number of ...
Xerium's user avatar
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Standard deviation of large equal-weighted portfolios

Say I've got a portfolio of shares with the following parameters: Let $n$ be the number of shares in the portfolio, let $\bar\sigma$ be the average standard deviation (volatility/risk) for each share, ...
j3141592653589793238's user avatar
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JDOI variance reduction method python

Has anyone read the paper 'JDOI variance reduction method and the pricing of American-style options' by Johan. I want to implement the simulation. But For Monte carlo I got different results. andI ...
Elmy Zhang's user avatar
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Margin period of risk and scaling (MPoR)

I'm analyzing the formula to approximate the Margin Period of Risk (MPoR) for linearly linearly decreasing to zero exposure. Given the MPoR at $\tau$ one can evaluate the continious total exposure at $...
bag_dush's user avatar
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Approximation of an Itô integral with python

Exercise 3.11 (Approximation of an Itô Integral). In this example, the stochastic integral $\int^t_0tW(t)dW(t)$ is considered. The expected value of the integral and the expected value of the square ...
Jessie's user avatar
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