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Questions tagged [market-regimes]

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Structural Breaks/Changepoints vs Regimes

Structural break is defined as(taken from Introduction to Econometrics by Stock & Watson): When the population regression function changes over the course of the sample" Breaks can arise ...
pandashelp's user avatar
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Combining discontinuous opposing returns into a single continuous function

See the function here. It's my intent to measure the expected log return of the optimal trade with regards to long/short positions in a trading range. The trading range has an equilibrium where the ...
JakeTheSnake's user avatar
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Trying to recreate results from a research paper on HMM and Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test for forecasting regime switching on SP500

I am trying to recreate this research: Regime-Switching Factor Investing with Hidden Markov Models, by Matthew Wang, Yi-Hong Lin and Ilya Mikhelson My ...
lara_toff's user avatar
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PortfolioAnalytics and regime switching issue

I've been playing around with the R package PortfolioAnalytics and I have spent more time than I'm willing to admit to try and resolve this issue: When I follow the regime switching example with the ...
AtoZ's user avatar
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Put-call parity under a regime-switching model

I need some help. I'm given $J$ different regimes, each one characterized by its own parameters $(r_i, \delta_i,\sigma_i,...)$ with $i\in \mathcal{J}= \{1,2,...,J\}$ ($r$ = risk-free interest rate, $...
james34's user avatar
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Is variance of residuals of Markov switching GARCH model regime specific?

I'm using MSGARCH package in R. By return_data/Volatility(fit.model), I get the residuals. When I calculate the standard deviation of the residuals, it turns out that it's close to 1 for all residuals....
Chp's user avatar
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How to simulate asset prices/returns that display market regimes?

Are there any techniques that can make a multivariate random number generating process for stock prices/returns, like geometric Brownian motion via Cholesky, also include the simulation of a finite ...
develarist's user avatar
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modelling known regime shifts

I wish to model a price time series with a known regime shift: electricity price before during and after the introduction of a carbon price. The time series looks like this: you can see the jump in ...
Victor Maxwell's user avatar
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Stochastic process with determinstic frequency of regime changes

Suppose that I have an OU process. For instance, assume that I want to model the interest rates. Suppose that regime change is known ex ante, and is deterministic in terms of frequency (For instance, ...
alexbougias's user avatar
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Risk-Neutral Pricing with Regime Switching

As the title suggests, I am currently trying to implement a dual regime-switching options pricing model. In its simplest form, I am fitting a risk-neutral GARCH(1,1) to a crash and normal regime. ...
Jason's user avatar
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Are Indices Regulated

Suppose that a bank (or any regulated body) wants to sell and ETF, replicating some index. Does that replicator have to adhere to the Basel accords? Similarly, if a bank (or any regulated body) ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Given historical performance of a financial index, how to categorise different historical periods depending on the market regime at the time?

We are trying to work on a Machine Learning application to attempt to predict market regime changes (bull, bear, stale?). Generally a ML algorithm needs well defined training data for establishing its ...
Chicoscience's user avatar
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Value at Risk for normal r.v. with shock (regimes)

I am struggling to understand how was this simple Value-at-Risk calculated. It's Example 1 in Daníelsson, Jón, et al. "Fat tails, VaR and subadditivity." Journal of econometrics 172.2 (2013): 283-291 (...
José Luis Molina-Borboa's user avatar
19 votes
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What is a regime switch?

I've come across the term regime switch in volatilities when reading about the modelling of interest rates but could not find a definition for a regime switch and what a regime is. Can somebody give ...
dnl's user avatar
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Transition Between Volatility Regimes

Emanuel Derman wrote a great paper in 1999 about volatility regimes and the adjustments the market makes during these periods (sticky strike, sticky implied tree, sticky delta, etc). Has any ...
Jared's user avatar
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