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Questions tagged [libor]

LIBOR was the London Inter-Bank Offered Rate. It has been replaced by The SOFR (Secured Overnight Financing Rate).

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Problem fitting LMM to swaptions

I don't know what I am doing wrong. My goal is to calibrate correlations between my brownian motions. For that I simulate forwards paths and then calculate Swaptions rates. I use Euler Method to ...
JohnGalt's user avatar
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EURIBOR dependent product pricing

3M Euribor rates still exists (see and there still exist structured products depending on them : for instance a CMS spread whose udnerlying CMS rates depend on it. But also range ...
11house's user avatar
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Do RFR swaps fix in advance or arrears?

Consider the floating leg of a IRS on the RFR which is effective today at $t_1$ and has a payment at $t_1 + 3M$. My question is, when the payment occurs at $t_1 + 3M$, is this the $3M$ forward rate ...
JakcieJnr's user avatar
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Explicit pythonic building of Flat Forward Curve using Changes assumed from central bank meetings to price FRAs

This question is related to the following questions asked previously, primarily the first: Using QuantLib to build Flat Forward Curve using Changes assumed from central bank meetings to price FRAs ...
Naim Hussain's user avatar
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Using QuantLib to build Flat Forward Curve using Changes assumed from central bank meetings to price FRAs

What I am trying to do is price EURIBOR6M FRAs using a curve built in quantlib with changes in rate due to central bank meetings. For concreteness, my goal is to price EURIBOR6M FRAs, say 1x7 FRA, ...
Naim Hussain's user avatar
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How do we determine 0M spot rate for 3M libor?

Say I have a 3M libor curve constructed from a bunch of 3M FRAs, so I have a 3M spot rate, a 6M spot rate, a 9M spot rate, etc. For points in-between, say 4M, I would have to interpolate between the ...
JakcieJnr's user avatar
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Building SOFR curve - explanation of the formula used

I am studying a previous post on how to build SOFR discount curve here Libor transition: Building SOFR discount curve However, I struggle to understand the below ...
Brian Smith's user avatar
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How do forward-looking forward rates in the Mercurio's and Lyashenko's normal or extended FMM model represent EURIBOR rates

(By XIBOR I intend any EURIBOR or LIBOR rate. By RFR I intend SOFR for the USD and ESTR (€STR) for EUR.) I am mainly focused on the EUR rates market (but also a bit on the USD market) and looking for ...
Olórin's user avatar
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What are the quantitative models for modelling the SOFR rate, the IR products when Libor rates end [duplicate]

Many year ago, I worked on the pricing of IR products (Floating rate swap, CMS swap, Cap, Floor,...) Libor rates are now replaced by SOFR rate. I would like to know What are the new IR products (...
NN2's user avatar
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LIBOR rate used for computing discount margin

A formula for computing the discount margin of a floater is provided in an image displayed in this answer as well as below. The image below comes from page 14 of the paper "Credit Spreads ...
Deane Yang's user avatar
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Risk free rate for currency option

I’m trying to price a call option on EUR/GBP exchange rate and it expires in 1 year. Should I use GBP Libor as foreign risk free rate in order to apply BS formula? The pricing date is 02/21/2023 but ...
user66491's user avatar
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SOFR Transition for Future Flow Transactions [duplicate]

I’m looking for some papers/articles for the transition from LIBOR to SOFR for future flow transactions/securitizations (such as Diversified Payment Rights). Would be happy if you could share some as ...
StructuredQuant's user avatar
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Computing Daily OIS overnight trade coupon payments in excel

So I currently work in MO G10 rates sales support and we always get referrals from our setts department to recalculate discrepancy's in vanilla swaps trades coupon payments, this issue is, training ...
caolan's user avatar
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Why are LMM+ parameters becoming more unstable when using an inverted volatility term structure

I have an implementation of an LMM+ model (a shifted Libor Market Model with rebonato volatility function) and am seeing recently that the calibrated parameters are becoming more unstable over time; I ...
blah_crusader's user avatar
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USD Libor fixing rule

I am missing something in the fixing rules for USD Libor: the fixing for the date Aug 31th, 2022 is on Aug 26th, 2022 - 3 ...
jamoreiras's user avatar

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