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Price Prediction Intervals from Forecasted Returns (ARIMA)

I have successfully fit an ARIMA model to a time series of the daily returns of power futures prices. The question I have is: How can I create a prediction interval for the prices? Or, alternatively, ...
CasusBelli's user avatar
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Fitting a Spread into ARIMA AR(1) process

I'm a newbie to econometrics. I've simply ran a regression and have coefficient values of the variables. I'm running a regression for a crypto data, and I've gotten the Spread of the variables. To ...
ken4ward's user avatar
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Is non-linear correlation problematic in financial time series prediction?

Many traditional finance models assume linear relationships between variables and features. Aren't linear correlations/covariances unable to capture financial processes empirically since they actually ...
develarist's user avatar
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What are some good models for stock price predictions?

For the fitting and forecasting of time-series data on stock price, the most frequent model I have heard of is ARIMA. ARIMA is actually conducting a regression of stock prices and residuals of stock ...
Caprikuarius's user avatar
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Confidence Intervals for ARMA+GARCH forecasts

I have fitted an ARMA(1,1)+GARCH(1,1) model to my logreturns series. When it comes to my standarized error's distribution however, I have opted for a Skewed Generalized Error Distribution, because of ...
Nobody's user avatar
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ARIMA vs ARIMA + GARCH [closed]

If an ARIMA model converges quickly, would using GARCH improve the forecast performance? By improve I mean provide longer time periods for forecasts. Basically trying to forecast returns.
Prgmr's user avatar
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Please advice free Java library for classical time series forecasting

I've got an ARIMA model (with a GARCH model for variance estimation) and parameters estimated in Matlab for my set of data. Now I need to use this model in my Java based application for making ...
mde's user avatar
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ARIMA prediction for currencies

I was browsing and I came across their forecast models which immediately captivated my interest. They describe them as "projected using an autoregressive integrated moving average ...
Justin's user avatar
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5 answers

Why aren't econometric models used more in Quant Finance?

There is a big body of literature on econometric models like ARIMA, ARIMAX or VAR. Yet to the best of my knowledge practically nobody is making use of that in Quantitative Finance. Yes, there is a ...
vonjd's user avatar
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One-step ahead forecast of a AR(1) process (GARCH context)

I am using a Matlab toolbox for obtaining one-step ahead forecasts of the conditional mean from the ARMA(1,0)-GARCH(1,1) process and I have encountered a piece of code that contains, in my opinion, a ...
Masher's user avatar
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ARIMA Forecasting always converges?

I read an article about arima forecasting and i said that before we forecast arima model, its stationarity has to be checked. If the model is stationary, it is clear that forecasting converges to ...
hmmmmm's user avatar
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Forecast of ARMA-GARCH model in R

I managed to forecast a GARCH model yesterday and run a Monte Carlo simulation on R. Nevertheless, I can't do the same with an ARMA-GARCH. I tested 4 different method but without achieving an ARMA-...
Tom's user avatar
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How to fit a SARIMA + GARCH in R?

I'd like to fit a non stationary time series using a SARIMA + GARCH model. I have not found any package that allow me to fit this model. I'm using rugarch: ...
Manuel's user avatar
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Is there any way to easily estimate and forecast seasonal ARIMA-GARCH model in any software?

I use R to estimate a seasonal ARIMA(8,0,0)(5,0,1)[7] model for the seasonal differences of logs of daily electricity prices: ...
stofer's user avatar
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ARIMA model, cannot get rid of low order ACF spike

I've gone through all the steps to fit a good ARIMA model - I plotted the data, I looked at the ADF tests, I looked at the ACF plot with no AR and MA terms just a constants. I came up with an ARMA(0,1,...
Celeste's user avatar
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