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Questions tagged [arbitrage]

The simultaneous purchase and sale of a financial security in order to profit from the difference in the security price during the trading activity.

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HFT using Pure C [closed]

Coding for HFT (statistical arbitrage engine) without getting involved in C++. Pure C, 8086 Assembly, Python, CUDA. Does it make sense? What is feasible? Will I be restricted when using FPGA or ...
Utku Gök's user avatar
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How to perform volatility arbitrage between two instruments with different prices but the same realized volatility

Suppose We have two assets $S_1$ and $S_2$. They have different price, but share the same realized vol. They have corresponding options $O_1$ and $O_2$. When the ATM IV of $O_1$ and $O_2$ differ too ...
OneDayMemo's user avatar
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Why does the lower arbitrage boundary of a European call on stock rise with time if F > S but fall if F < S?

I am reading "Option Volatility & Pricing", 2nd edition, by S. Natenberg. On page 297, he explains the lower arbitrage boundary of European options. I don't understand the logic for what ...
CodingJesusDisciple's user avatar
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Forward price arbitrage

To price a forward on a stock we usually use arbitrage to find that the price of the forward is the price of the stock compounded by the risk free rate. I don't have the data to try things, so was ...
missing_name's user avatar
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Arbitrage arguments for a commodity forward on investment assets

I am trying to understand the arbitrage arguments used for commodity forwards on investment assets. The theoretical price is given by $F_0 = (S_0 + U)e^{rT}$, where $U$ is the present value of all the ...
significance seeker's user avatar
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No Arbitrage iff no generalized Arbitrage

Let’s consider a market in finite discrete time with trading dates $0,1,\dots,T$ probability space $(\Omega, \mathcal{F}, \mathbb{P})$, filtration $\{\mathcal{F_t}\}_{t \in \{0,1, \dots, T\}}$, $N$ ...
Henry T.'s user avatar
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Is my spread calculation correct?

I have automated Pair trading strategies running on both CME Futures and cryptocurrency perpetual pairs. I can chose between different spread calculation type and I noticed that the one I thought was ...
Sixk's user avatar
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Arbitrage between one touch option and vanilla option

I recently came across this question, which is if you have a one touch option which the market has priced in X% of touching the barrier, and a vanilla call option on the same underlying and maturity ...
monte-carlo-pricer's user avatar
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Application of Reciprocal Currency Rates and Triangular Arbitrage in FX Trading

After nearly a decade as a software engineer in finance, I find myself grappling with a question about FX trading that I've always hesitated to ask, particularly concerning the calculation of ...
seldonzzz's user avatar
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How to find arbitrage in a one period binomial model?

Here is the setup: one period binomial model The market has three assets: bank account $B$, asset $S$, and asset $K$ $r = 0$, so payoff for asset invested at bank at any $t$ is $1$ $S_0 = 100, S_u = ...
CountDOOKU's user avatar
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Now that Zipline is no longer being maintained. What back testing alternative would you recommend

I am building a self hosted stack so there has been a lot of trial and error in order to head off a headache or two I thought I would reach out for a group opinion. I am evaluating back testers and I ...
John Zirnkilton's user avatar
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Showing a basic market admits no arbitrage

I'm learning the fundamentals of financial mathematics and came across the following problem I cannot solve Setting We work in $\left(\Omega, \mathcal{F},\left(\mathcal{F}_t\right)_{t=0}^1, \mathbb{P}\...
portero's user avatar
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Market Fragmentation

Consider a scenario where a security can be exchanged on two exchanges A and B. A trader who has access to A and B with same execution probabilities submit an order and split it between A and B ...
Ulysse Forest's user avatar
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How to arbitrage options prices against prediction markets?

Suppose we have both put/call European-style options market and price prediction market on same underlying asset and same expiration date. How can one arbitrage one against the other? It seems that ...
uhbif19's user avatar
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Arbitrage opportunities [closed]

I want to write a program that can find arbitrage in the curve of call prices for different strike K. So if I have a time serie with the price of call prices for different strikes and same time to ...
option_arbitrage's user avatar

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