Showing posts with label meeting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meeting. Show all posts

Friday, February 25, 2011

PSF Members Meeting to be held at PyCon 2011

The Python Software Foundation will hold a meeting for current and nominated members on March 11, 2011, from 12:30 pm to 1:20 pm local, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta hotel.


The agenda for the meeting is still being set. It includes time for newly nominated members to introduce themselves, and for members running for the Board of Directors to present their positions. If you have another topic you would like added to the agenda, please contact PSF Secretary Pat Campbell before the meeting.


In the past, participants at the meeting elected the new board, approved new members of the foundation, and conducted other voting in person. However, last year the PSF switched to an online voting system. That system will be used again this year, with the ballots being sent out on Friday, March 25, 2011.

Proposals that need to be voted on by the PSF membership should be submitted in the form of resolutions. Initial discussions on the members mailing list is encouraged to craft the language for the resolution.

The deadline for nomination of new members and proposal of resolutions to be voted on by the membership is Tuesday, March 22.

Call for Nominations of Directors

Please nominate candidates for the PSF Board of Directors by sending email to the PSF Board. Self-nominations are welcome. Current directors should also indicate whether they will stand for election again. Candidates should post brief bios and position statements in the PSF wiki.

Call for New Member Nominations

New members are nominated to the PSF by current members. To nominate a regular member, first confirm that they are interested in taking on the responsibility, and then post your nomination to the members mailing list.

The prospective member must also complete and submit a membership application form. See the PSF Membership FAQ for details

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Members' Meeting at EuroPython 2010

The PSF is organizing a second members' meeting this year, and the first ever held outside of the United States.

In the past, official meetings of the members of the Foundation have been held at PyCon US. This summer, a meeting is being organized for 19:00 GMT+1/BST Monday, July 19 to be held in conjunction with EuroPython in Birmingham, UK.

An agenda for the meeting is being prepared online. It currently includes proposals for increasing the presence of the Python Software Foundation in Europe through a partner network and/or branch of the Foundation. As with the meeting in February, official voting on resolutions put forward will take place online a short time after the in-person event.

The meeting is open to all PSF members, not just those from Europe. If you plan to attend, please contact Marc-André Lemburg so he can make sure a large enough room is reserved.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

First pyArkansas an Unqualified Success

We are grateful to Greg Lindstrom for the following feedback on a recent successful regional event. Congratulations are due to the organizers.

We held our 1-day "pyArkansas" conference on the campus of the University of Central Arkansas with 57 people attending. There was a surprising mix of beginners (which we expected) and experienced (which pleasantly surprised us). The first half of the day was dedicated to classes; Python 101 (Dr. Bernard Chen of UCA), Intermediate Python (Jeff Rush) and Python for System Administrators (Noah Gift). A way cool perk was that everyone attending the sys admin class received a copy of Noah's new book! The afternoon was dedicated to talks and open space. All participants received a swag bag with a copy of Python Magazine, a GIS magazine, python stickers and other stuff.

We had fantastic support from various employers and the Conway Chamber of Commerce. I am pleased to thank the PSF for your offer of $300 reimbursement and very respectfully decline it; we were able to cover our expenses, provide lodging for Jeff and Noah, and even give them a few dollars for their efforts. We have a grant request in to the Conway Advertising and Promotion Commission for $3,000 for next year. If we get that, the Chamber of Commerce will pony up another $1,500, leaving us with about $1,000 more to raise. Bringing in speakers was very well -- extremely well -- received and we want to expand on it next year, with a goal to bring in 4 speakers/teachers. Modeling the conference as a hybrid between a "mini-PyCon" and an "unconference" makes sense as many of our participants were brand new to Python while others wanted open space.

We got some very nice ink from Dr. John Tabor. It's that kind of response that prompted the Chamber of Commerce to have us submit a grant request to the A&P.

I have a more detailed report written up if anyone would like to see it (or if there is somewhere I can post it).

Thanks for your encouragement and support. Special thanks to Noah and Jeff for making the trip to Arkansas.

Please note that, while we are pleased that this event managed to run without our sponsorship, the PSF Board is always prepared to consider funding requests for events that demonstrably benefit the Python community.