Showing posts with label australia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label australia. Show all posts

Thursday, March 17, 2011

PyCon Australia

The PSF Board of Directors has awarded a $1500 USD grant to sponsor PyCon AU.

Date and Location

PyCon Australia 2011 will be held in Sydney on the weekend of the 20th and 21st of August in Sydney, Australia. The Call for Proposals has already been sent out.

PyCon AU

Australian Python programming enthusiasts are continuing the global PyCon tradition in Sydney. This will be the second Australian PyCon event, and the organizers anticipate 250 participants. The schedule will include dozens of presentations on topics including web programming, business applications, game development, science and mathematics, social issues, education, testing, databases, documentation and more.

More Information

For more details, refer to the PyCon AU website or mailing list.