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25 votes

Can you create a free-floating MASYU puzzle?

I claim that The proof:
Deusovi's user avatar
  • 148k
19 votes

Masyu jigsaw puzzle

I believe this is the unique solution:
Gareth McCaughan's user avatar
16 votes

Masyu-making game

Up to symmetries of the board, there aren't very many possible moves for the first player: Does this strategy work?
Deusovi's user avatar
  • 148k
16 votes

What Masyu do with the antique clock?

Partial answer: solved the Masyu puzzle. (My first time solving one of these!) Step-by-step solution: The letters not covered by the path spell: Argh! It seems this puzzle just got bigger. Here's ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
15 votes

Riverboat Soufflé

Gladys went to The crossword grid and cryptic clues: The Masyu: After these,
oAlt's user avatar
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13 votes

A bicolour masyu

I believe this is the unique solution: Key steps: My apologies for the inelegance of my diagram; as you may guess, I drew some things in grey before their colours were resolved.
Gareth McCaughan's user avatar
13 votes

2021 Unpainted Masyu

Solution Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7
hexomino's user avatar
  • 138k
12 votes

A Total Masyu puzzle

First of all, let's adopt the convention that the path runs "macroscopically" anticlockwise. Now, Now, in a Total Masyu puzzle, when the path enters an empty square Therefore, The path forms a ...
Gareth McCaughan's user avatar
12 votes

Broken Masyu: Quartered

I'd label the 4 subgrids and the circles first. (Apparently 24px font size isn't clear(big?) enough here. Oh well.)
Hakdo's user avatar
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12 votes

Masyu: Four Colours

Whilst a solution image has been posted already, a solution path has not. Since this is a pretty tricky puzzle with some interesting deductions, I figure it is worth explaining to other potential ...
Stiv's user avatar
  • 146k
11 votes

3D Masyu - A Die

Solution Explanation When you fold this cube net, you would get this connection: Start from the obvious one, the two adjacent black cells: Then some more: Consider this: What if you connect the ...
u-ndefined's user avatar
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11 votes

3D Masyu - A Die

By adding a we get
noedne's user avatar
  • 15.4k
11 votes


Completed: Interim steps (mostly obvious I think... comment if anything is unclear and needs some explanation):
Alconja's user avatar
  • 37.3k
10 votes

Can you create a free-floating MASYU puzzle?

Deusovi came up with a very nice and simple solution. Here is the (much more convoluted) configuration that I came up with, if you were curious: The line:
greenturtle3141's user avatar
10 votes

Brain-breaking 3D masyu

Differences in 3D Starting with the white circles and slowly expanding to all other circles gives Now we have to check for possible ways to connect the segments Which leads to the solutions
w l's user avatar
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10 votes

Masyu keep making those 3D puzzles?

Solved! I use X, Y, and Z as axes to describe my logic.
Spitemaster's user avatar
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10 votes

What Masyu do with the antique clock?

I feel a bit guilty posting this as an answer since I know that at least StephenTG had done most of it before and also because frankly Rand did most of the work. But here we go. After Rand's solving ...
Gareth McCaughan's user avatar
10 votes

Maserlink - A Masyu-Slitherlink Hybrid

I will be using the Penpa editor: here's a link to the puzzle, if you want to solve along. (For nice input, go to "composite" and choose "loop".) To start, some basic Masyu ...
Deusovi's user avatar
  • 148k
10 votes

A Simple Antisymmetric Masyu

Alaiko's user avatar
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9 votes

Volcanic 3D masyu

The solution is Explanation:
Birjolaxew's user avatar
9 votes

Try to design a uniquely solvable masyu

There are two solutions for 7x7 grids (not counting reflections and rotations) I found these by brute force. Each grid can be abstracted as a permutation of 1234567, where each digit represents the ...
paramesis's user avatar
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9 votes

Wumpus-hunting Masyu

(Unenterable squares here are marked with a ?.) Basic deductions: Extending those pieces: Final answer:
Deusovi's user avatar
  • 148k
9 votes

How do I transcribe a Masyu into a Google Sheets?

I could do it like this: ... taking 4 cells (2×2) as one cell in Masyu puzzle. The circles are not unicode characters, but images, those entered to the sheet by ...
ACB's user avatar
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9 votes

Unchained Again

Completed word chain: Masyu solution (credit to Sny Smartie for beating me to this one - be sure to check out their answer for a full solution path, and leave an upvote while you're there!): To find ...
juicifer's user avatar
  • 11.7k
8 votes

Masyu jigsaw puzzle

I thought it was a shame such a nice puzzle didn't have an explanation of its solve path. So here's mine! Click through to get the (large) full-size images. "Connectivity deduction" means &...
bobble's user avatar
  • 10.3k
8 votes

I'm Bad at Naming Things, so Just Try to Solve this Patterned Masyu Puzzle!

Haven't done these before, but I think I have a solution:
Jafe's user avatar
  • 78.9k
7 votes

Mixed-breeds are puzzles too!

Observations Finished grid
w l's user avatar
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7 votes

Wumpus-hunting Masyu

Just a note that I think there's a slightly different solution to Deusovi's:
Samthere's user avatar
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7 votes

Can you solve this Masyu puzzle?

I hope I understood the instructions correctly. If so, the correct answer is:
oleslaw's user avatar
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7 votes

Try to design a uniquely solvable masyu

8x8 has been solved Give it a go! Yes, I know what shape that makes >:)
Wen1now's user avatar
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