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67 votes

Cover 63 squares of a chess board

These should do it: Just to show another example:
hdsdv's user avatar
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54 votes

How can 3 queens control the white squares?

I think this arrangement works for the bonus question:
Zoir's user avatar
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48 votes

How can 3 queens control the white squares?

I think this will do it
hexomino's user avatar
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36 votes

Chessboard Rook Problem

There are more ones. Proof:
Nopalaa's user avatar
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34 votes

Two Knights, two Bishops, two Rooks and two Kings on a 4x4 chessboard

I'm not trying to solve the puzzle, I'm just interested in how many solutions there are, since the OP claims he doesn't know. I brute forced it with a program. There are First of all, there are ...
Reti43's user avatar
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34 votes

A chess board with numbers

The smallest sum that can be achieved is Because Reasoning
hexomino's user avatar
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32 votes

16 pawns on a chess board with no three collinear: how do I go about solving this?

The Algoritm is : Then Here is the complete solution from Achim Flammenkamp Ph.D. There are totally 57 solutions
Jamal Senjaya's user avatar
30 votes

Could you solve a chessboard math puzzle at gunpoint?

Suppose that we have a chessboard with the desired properties. Find the greatest number in each row. Out of these numbers, let the smallest be $m_i$ in row $i$. Find the smallest number in each row....
f'''s user avatar
  • 33.7k
29 votes

Chessboard Rook Problem

There are Proof: Now I bet the ratio of good to bad is I wrote a little Python program (possibly buggy, so apply some skepticism, but I've tested the bit most likely to have bugs and it seems OK) ...
Gareth McCaughan's user avatar
29 votes

Chess solitaire: The King's longest walk

First solution - 50 moves Second solution - 59 moves Current solution - 66 moves (beaten by Retudin - 70 moves and Rewan Demontay - 139 moves) Moves:
Sleafar's user avatar
  • 18.1k
28 votes

Two Knights, two Bishops, two Rooks and two Kings on a 4x4 chessboard

I hope I didn't make any mistakes: Edit : Replace queens by king
Skyvask's user avatar
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27 votes

Playing with one Queen on a chessboard

We can work backwards to figure this out: Conclusion:
Deusovi's user avatar
  • 148k
26 votes

Chess with jumping

The result is a The idea is to Here's the line:
xnor's user avatar
  • 27.4k
25 votes

The Popular Letter Chessboard

The rules of the question state that: On your final grid, a letter (actually several is also mathematically possible) will be more frequent than all the other letters. Your aim is that this letter ...
Stiv's user avatar
  • 146k
25 votes

The Knight's Romp

I have a computer program for solving packing problems, and found a way to use it to solve this problem. One of the solutions it found is below: Note that this is very close to the attempted solution ...
Jaap Scherphuis's user avatar
25 votes

Two-Move Chess Game

fblundun's user avatar
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24 votes

How can the knight traverse a chessboard to make a path that sums to 100

The path is as follows: I found this path after
AxiomaticSystem's user avatar
23 votes

Two Knights, two Bishops, two Rooks and two Kings on a 4x4 chessboard

Here is mine with passive kings, some minutes late :
Saeïdryl's user avatar
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23 votes

Four fanatics and one checkerboard

I'm not sure why you'd need ANY sort of dissection for this.
Braegh's user avatar
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23 votes

A Rook's Territory in the Chessboard

I started with this: Pushed things this way and that, ended up with this: Similarly, on 9x9: And on 10x10: It took me a while to get there, but that one suggests an emerging pattern. And here is ...
Daniel Mathias's user avatar
22 votes

Paint 21 Squares of a 7×7 Board Without Forming a Rectangle

Here's the solution: There's a very neat method for finding this, inspired by the no-computers way of solving another related puzzle. Namely, More specifically, given the constraints of this problem:...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
22 votes

A Rook's Territory in the Chessboard

Here's an expandable solution for $n\ge 5$ (even or odd):
RobPratt's user avatar
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20 votes

Checkmate N Kings with M Knights

50 Kings,14 Knights: This is optimal but not unique, see bottom of this answer. Reasoning: I think the problem is equivalent to covering every square on the board with as few knights as possible and ...
loopy walt's user avatar
  • 21.3k
20 votes

Coloring of a 5 x 5 chessboard

Borrowing ideas from both @Gareth and @xnor: WLOG one column has at least 3 black squares. Discard the 2 other rows. If any of the 4 other columns has more than 1 black square we are done. We are left ...
loopy walt's user avatar
  • 21.3k
19 votes

Discrete Peaceful Encampments: 9 queens on a chessboard

Nine queens of each color. Some variation is possible.
Daniel Mathias's user avatar
18 votes

How many queens can be on a chessboard without attacking each other?

Sorry for reviving a 5 years old question, but I can fit: I hope to avoid downvotes by pointing out that this troll solution satisfies all the conditions of the original question.
Daniel Duque's user avatar
18 votes

Beans under the chessboard

This puzzle could have almost have been given the tag, though that may have given a big hint. You can think of each rectangle you pick as a move, Here is a proof for why this is the minimal number ...
Jaap Scherphuis's user avatar
18 votes

Transform each square of a chessboard to zero

This is Proof:
Jaap Scherphuis's user avatar
17 votes

Two Knights, two Bishops, two Rooks and two Kings on a 4x4 chessboard

Here's a solution with the additional constraint that no piece may attack more than one piece:
BobRodes's user avatar
  • 745
17 votes

Knight's Tour on a 7x7 Board starting from D5

Here is my answer:
athin's user avatar
  • 34.3k

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