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Questions tagged [limerick]

A limerick is a 5-line poem with a strict AABBA rhyme scheme, often with five-line anapestic meter, sometimes obscene with humorous intent.

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I make billions (#4)

I make billions (#4) For years did a sharp little verse, Grow fast in our ears like a curse, A tune on TV, Did subconsciously, Cause all to spend much from their purse, Who / what am ...
JS1's user avatar
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The Answer Would Make a Good Title

Here is a riddle quite long I hope you can follow along You'll be delighted While I recite it: I'm known to be unmatched in song. You'll find me the whole world around In nature 'tis ...
NeedAName's user avatar
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Who’s in for a Cruising?

This is part 6 of the puzzle series Around the World in Many Days. Each part is solvable on its own. Deаr Puzzling, Looks like I’m getting way behind schedule already. Sorry about that! Time flies ...
Jafe's user avatar
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A crypto-limerick from Peru

There once was a man from Peru, Whose limericks all stopped at line two. Rpl xcjd jfi yfo, Cw hzhyywh ot iojet, Fdy ovjyu ozmn tdz spg yxz oet yxmgybm. Can you figure out what cipher this ...
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