
Here are the final 16 Official Letters of the Secondary Alphabetical Order:

K, L, A, I, U,
G, R, H, N, F,
B, X, O, Q, J,

If you can figure out the rest of the order, the first five Official Letters will tell you how official letters should be written.

  • $\begingroup$ i wonder what the first five Official Letters will tell us if we can't figure out the rest of the order? $\endgroup$
    – SteveV
    Commented Jan 5, 2020 at 18:03

1 Answer 1


Official letters should be ...

... typed.

The Secondary Alphabetical Order is ...

... determined by the keys of the NATO Phonetic Alphabet, but without their first letters:

      T·ango      Y·ankee     P·apa       E·cho       D·elta
      C·harlie    W·hiskey    V·ictor     S·ierra     M·ike
      K·ilo       L·ima       A·lpha      I·ndia      U·niform
      G·olf       R·omeo      H·otel      N·ovember   F·oxtrot
      B·ravo      X·ray       O·scar      Q·uebec     J·ulett


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