
You! I see you walking there

Nary a worry or a care

Come, listen to me speak

My mind is strong, though my body is weak.

I've got a riddle for you to ponder

Something to think about whilst you wander

It's a classic Riley, a word split in three

For a prefix, and infix, and a suffix, you see:

To be frank, my prefix is quite often heard

It doth hath a way of being easily slurred.

My infix is simple, third in the line,

At least, of that which numbers twenty nine.

My suffix is certainly your biggest contender

Conquer him and you shall be showered with splendour.

My whole, well, she's a tricky thing, but don't you go fret.

You'll probably survive it.... as long as you don't forget.

So now you've got all that you need to try,

So tell me, dear puzzler. What am I?

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Just a great Rhyme. Kudos $\endgroup$
    – DrD
    Commented Jul 24, 2019 at 19:23
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Thanks, @DEEM, it means a lot. Rhyming's the only skill I've got! $\endgroup$
    – Cubemaster
    Commented Jul 24, 2019 at 19:26
  • $\begingroup$ And being modest about your puzzling skills! $\endgroup$
    – DrD
    Commented Jul 24, 2019 at 19:26
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Of course, but he would never say so ;) $\endgroup$
    – Brandon_J
    Commented Jul 25, 2019 at 3:20
  • $\begingroup$ Has a correct answer been given? If so, please don't forget to $\color{green}{\checkmark \small\text{Accept}}$ it. If not, some responses to the answerers to help steer them in the right direction would be helpful. $\endgroup$
    – Rubio
    Commented Aug 3, 2019 at 22:17

3 Answers 3


You are a:


To be frank, my prefix is quite often heard
It doth hath a way of being easily slurred.

WORD... When someone is being frank, you 'have their word'. The spoken word can be heard. You can also 'slur your words'.

My infix is simple, third in the line,
At least, of that which numbers twenty nine.

SE... The third letter of the 29-letter Danish alphabet, equivalent to 'C'.

My suffix is certainly your biggest contender
Conquer him and you shall be showered with splendour.

ARCH... As in 'arch-enemy' or 'arch-nemesis' i.e. your biggest rival.

My whole, well, she's a tricky thing, but don't you go fret.
You'll probably survive it.... as long as you don't forget.

A WORDSEARCH is a puzzle (so can be tricky). Someone who is 'searching for the right word' is struggling to remember the um... the er... the... what was I going to say now??! ;-)


You are


Poem for Prefix

To be frank, my prefix is quite often heard
It doth hath a way of being easily slurred.


the letter "h" is a common letter in english, as in heard itself
doth and hath show how the letter h is often pronounced different, like th

So we have "h" as prefix.

Poem for Infix

My infix is simple, third in the line,
At least, of that which numbers twenty nine.


third in the line refers to the word is (My infix is...)
which numbers twenty nine refers to the number of letters of that line: 29

So we have "is" as infix.

Poem for suffix

My suffix is certainly your biggest contender
Conquer him and you shall be showered with splendour.


This story is really challenging.
But if I solve it, I hopefully get some applause from you :-)

So we have "story" as suffix.

Poem for whole

My whole, well, she's a tricky thing, but don't you go fret.
You'll probably survive it.... as long as you don't forget.


Its always good not to forget history to not make the same mistakes again and again.


You are a


To be frank, my prefix is quite often heard    
It doth hath a way of being easily slurred.

"S" is quite often heard. Cubemaster may be actually slurring his words (doth - does, hath - has). Plus, "It doth hath a way of being eathily thlurred" is fun to say.

My infix is simple, third in the line,
At least, of that which numbers twenty nine.

"C" is the third letter in the Swedish alphabet of 29 characters.

My suffix is certainly your biggest contender
Conquer him and you shall be showered with splendour.

"COOL" (CHOOL) Being cool in school was something I had to contend with. That was until i stopped caring about being noticed. Then I became cool and was "showered with splendo(u)r (sp?)".

You'll probably survive it.... as long as you don't forget.

You'll probably survive School, unless you forget your homework. The phrase "Don't tell me you forgot!" was yelled by my teacher many a times.


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