

$1$,$2$ Good easy start

$1$,$2$,$4$ As expected

$1$,$2$,$4$,$8$ I know it is going to be easy

$1$,$2$,$4$,$8$,$16$ why is he giving this? I got it!

$1$,$2$,$4$,$8$,$16$,Prime ...oops!..why is it here?

$1$,$2$,$4$,$8$,$16$,Prime, Odd...sure this is odd

$1$,$2$,$4$,$8$,$16$,Prime,Odd,Palindrome...this sure is strange and wierd?

Maybe, oeis will help me..oh no..

Looks like I have to put my thinking cap and get a solution for those 3 missing members.


1 Answer 1


Maybe, oeis will help me..oh no.. this puzzle is spoiled

Answer is:

31 (prime), 57 (odd), 99 (palindrome)

Key to this is:

Maximal number of regions obtained by joining $n$ points around a circle by straight lines

  • $\begingroup$ Oh no..I didn’t check it right..when I checked,,I got 17 hits..I didn’t find..u cannot win them all..thx $\endgroup$
    – Uvc
    Commented Jun 29, 2019 at 11:27
  • $\begingroup$ Sure..everything fits ..p..o..pal $\endgroup$
    – Uvc
    Commented Jun 29, 2019 at 12:05

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