
This is my first “find the fastest way to this position” chess puzzle” here on PSE. However, this is not for just some random position. Let me explain.

Tim Krabbe has said on his site (Journal Entry 387), that the record, at least in 2013 for the most mutual consecutive checks is 54. He says that a proof game was sent to him, but I cannot find the game anywhere. This makes this a special question, because this is not only for a puzzle, but for practical purposes as well.

What is the fastest way to reach this postion?

Alexey Khayhan, Tim Krabbe’s Website 2013, 54 consecutive checks

enter image description here

FEN-5q2/2q1pn1B/R1Q1R3/1B2r1B1/1q1k1Knq/rr5Q/B2NPN1N/3Qb1QQ w - - 01


2 Answers 2


Far from optimal, I think, but here it is in 84 moves

1. c4 d5
2. cxd5 g5
3. h3 g4
4. b4 g3
5. a4 a5
6. bxa5 Bg4
7. hxg4 f5
8. d4 f4
9. g5 f3
10. gxf3 Ra6
11. f4 Rb6
12. a6 Rb3
13. Rh6 b5
14. Rf6 h5
15. a7 h4
16. a5 h3
17. a6 h2
18. a8=Q h1=Q
19. d6 Qh4
20. Qh1 g2
21. Nf3 c5
22. Qh3 g1=R
23. Nh2 b4
24. a7 Rgg3
25. g6 Nh6
26. a8=B c4
27. Ra6 Ra3
28. Re6 c3
29. Bd5 Nd7
30. Ba2 Ne5
31. f5 b3
32. g7 c2
33. g8=B Neg4
34. f6 Bg7
35. d5 Kd7
36. f7 Qc7
37. f8=Q Qb6
38. Qf3 Ke8
39. Qh1 b2
40. f4 Qc7
41. Bg2 Qb6
42. d7+ Kf8
43. d6 Qc7
44. Bc6 Qb6
45. Kf1 Rgb3
46. Kg2 Qc7
47. Be3 c1=Q
48. Kf3 Qc3
49. f5 Qb6
50. d8=N Qc7
51. Bb5 Qb6
52. Nc6 Ke8
53. f6 Qb4
54. f7+ Kd7
55. f8=Q Qc7
56. Qf4 Nf7
57. Qfg3 Bc3
58. Qgg1 Rh5
59. Bh7 Re5
60. Bg5 Ke8
61. d7+ Kf8
62. Nd4 Kg7
63. d8=Q Qb6
64. Bf6+ Kh6
65. Bg7+ Kg5
66. Kg2 Kf4
67. Kf1 Kg5
68. Qc7 Kf4
69. Bg8 Q6c5
70. Kg2 Ke4
71. Ndf3 Qb6
72. Ne1 Q6c5
73. Nd3 Qb6
74. Qc8 Be1
75. Qf1 Kd4
76. Nd2 b1=Q
77. Nf2 Qd8
78. Qfg1 Ne3+
79. Kf3 Ng4+
80. Kf4 Qf8
81. Bh6 Qc1
82. Bh7 Qcc5
83. Qcc6 Qd6
84. Bg5 Qc7 *

Link to the game

check-54 setup


I was able to contact with Bader Al-Hajiri, a famous chess composer who's favorite genre is retrograde analysis. He is perhaps best known for his retro problems and compositions on Tim Krabbe's site. It turns out that he had actually composed a proof game for Krabbe's site back in 2013, but it was never published! I privately messaged him, and he agreed to have his original proof game published on this site.

Without further ado, Khanyan's position can be reached in 59 moves!

Bader Al-Hajiri, Created On 9/22/2013, Original For Puzzling Stack Exchange On 8/24/2020

  1. b4 a5 2. bxa5 b5 3. h4 b4 4. h5 b3 5. h6 b2 6. hxg7 d5 7. a4 Bf5 8. f4 Kd7 9. c4 Kd6 10. Rh6+ Kc5 11. cxd5 Bg6 12. f5 Nf6 13. fxg6 Ng4 14. g8=B f5 15. d6 Nc6 16. a6 Rb8 17. a7 f4 18. a5 Rb3 19. a6 Bg7 20. a8=Q Bc3 21. a7 Nce5 22. Ra6 Ra3 23. Ba2 Kb5 24. g7 Qc8 25. Re6 h5 26. d7 h4 27. d8=Q h3 28. Qd3+ Kc5 29. g8=B h2 30. Nf3 h1=Q 31. Bh7 Qh5 32. Nh2 Nf6 33. Qh3 f3 34. Kf2 Kb5 35. d4 c5 36. g4 c4 37. g5 Nf7 38. g6 Bb4 39. Bg5 c3 40. Kg3 f2 41. Bg2 f1=Q 42. d5 Qg1 43. d6 Qb6 44. d7 c2+ 45. Kf4 Be1 46. d8=Q c1=Q+ 47. Nd2 b1=R 48. Qd4 Rd8 49. Qg1 Rd5 50. g7 Re5 51. g8=N Q1c3 52. Nh6 Rbb3 53. N6g4 Qf8 54. Nf2 Kc5 55. Bc6 Kd4 56. Bb5 Qbc7 57. Qah1 Qb4 58. a8=Q Ng4 59. Qac6 Qh4

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