
The master of Hero
That is charging you
Gets his payback

He plays ball Solo
After strike two
He is now again on Stack

The sun rises so
D-Day meets X-? (huh?)

There is a line that doesn’t fit, what is the number of it?


1 Answer 1


In italic will be my edits in the answer based on @Enigma's comments (thanks !)

I'm getting the theme but I'm not sure what to make of it. Still, I will say

The number that doesn't fit is 3.5


There is an obvious Star Wars connection. Each line can be tied to a movie in the story chronological order (except for the the last one, hence the "doesn't fit"):
Well... now I don't know wich one doesn't fit. I'll still say 3.5 since it is missing.

The master of Hero

Seems like Obi-Wan Kenobi to me. However, most other lines are directly referencing a movie, this one not, so I'm not quite sure... Let's say the first (story-wise) appearance of Obi-Wan : The Phantom Menace
NOPE ! As said @Enigma : Hero is the name of the horse to the comics character Phantom. Still The Phantom Menace

That is charging you

A charge can be an attack => Attack of the Clones

Gets his payback

Payback, revenge, all the same => Revenge of the Sith

He plays ball Solo

Like with Obi-Wan, all I see is a reference to a character (here, Han Solo). And again, I'll go with the first appearance of this character, with A New Hope
NOPE AGAIN ! As said @Enigma : Hope Solo is a soccer player, and hints at A New Hope.

After strike two

Pretty straightforward => The Empire Strikes Back

He is now again on Stack

"He is now again" is like saying "he is returning" => Return of the Jedi

The sun rises so

When the Sun rises, we awake => The Force Awakens. Plus, the Sun rising is a pretty great "force awakening" isn't it ?

D-Day meets X-? (huh?)

D-Day meets X-Wing ? Definitly Rogue One. Or maybe a reference to the last movie (which I didn't see yet, so I may be mistaken). But Rogue One is misplaced here, and should be between the 3rd and 4th episode (or lines). Hence my answer : 3.5 !
WRONG ! As said @Enigma : D-Day is a short for Daniel Day Lewis starring in The Last Mohicans, X-Ray gives the hint of Rey, starring in The Last Jedi

  • $\begingroup$ Hero is the name of the horse to the comics character Phantom $\endgroup$
    – Enigma
    Commented Dec 26, 2017 at 17:46
  • $\begingroup$ Hope Solo is a soccer player, and hints at A New Hope $\endgroup$
    – Enigma
    Commented Dec 26, 2017 at 17:47
  • $\begingroup$ D-Day is a short for Daniel Day Lewis starring in The Last Mohicans, X-Ray gives the hint of Rey, starring in The Last Jedi $\endgroup$
    – Enigma
    Commented Dec 26, 2017 at 17:51
  • $\begingroup$ Thank you ! I edited my answer, but still thinking on a better one since I'm not quite sure yet. $\endgroup$
    – Keelhaul
    Commented Dec 27, 2017 at 10:30

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