
This should be an easy one if you have a Bible handy:

My name is Kether Torah,
the Crown of the Torah.

I am a pillar of righteousness,
and a foundation of mercy.

I am four, and three, and two, and one;
and beside me there is none other.

Those who hear me have life;
they that disobey me shall surely die.

What am I?


3 Answers 3


Are you the:

10 Commandments


My name is Kether Torah, the Crown of the Torah.

This refers to the fact that we are looking into something from Judaism (probably the first 5 books of the Bible)

I am a pillar of righteousness,

We are looking for something pertaining to morality - could be quite symbolic.

and a foundation stone of mercy.

Foundation makes me think of "stone"... i.e. a tablet perhaps.

I am four, and three, and two, and one;

SURELY some numerical trick. Possibly pointing to a passage. But I notice the sum is 10, and product is 24.

and beside me there is none other.

This is said by God in the 10 commandments (the first).

Those who hear me have life; those who disobey me shall surely die.

God says this kind of thing frequently according to the Bible. Always with regards to a threat for disobedience to a command/law.

The evidence for guessing the Ark of the Covenant or the Ten Commandments is strong enough.

Regarding the Kether Torah: Courtesy of OP:

Ten Commandments

[Picture of the Ten Commandments with the words כתר תורה (Kether Torah) written prominently above.]

The identification of the Ten Commandments with the Crown of the Torah comes from the ancient Jewish practice of gematria, whereby the numerical value of the words Kether Torah is equal to that of Aseret Ha-Devarim ("the Ten Commandments").

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Very good, I see everything accounted for. (Btw, no specific chapter/verse number was intended, just the number 10 and the gist of the 1st commandment.) Well done! $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 19, 2014 at 4:38

Some jewish people believe a good name is what is superior, "one crown of the torah" which a headstone has inscribed
a pillar of righteousness as we honor those who fall before us and mercy on their deaths.
an equestrian headstone has meanings depending on how many legs (4) it has touching the ground.
there is none other that is the same as each is different inscriptions and no one is beside as they are deceased
those who keep them have life as there not planted yet or not sold
if you violate your "head" you shall surely die.


Ten Commandments

[Picture of the Ten Commandments with the words כתר תורה (Kether Torah) written prominently above.]

The identification of the Ten Commandments with the Crown of the Torah comes from the ancient Jewish practice of gematria, whereby the numerical value of the words Kether Torah is equal to that of Aseret Ha-Devarim ("the Ten Commandments").

  • $\begingroup$ nice additional information $\endgroup$
    – d'alar'cop
    Commented Nov 19, 2014 at 5:35

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