
We two were the ones
destined to do great things
We started as did Jon
aware of Nothing

A world we didn't know
turned out to be our home
Waited where we were
with glorious foretellings
While everyone believed
we thought ourselves a regular Joe
Otherwise the future revealed
A destiny for us each

Closer to our nemesis
than others we were
Entwined with their life
Our deaths were
I marked him, He marked me
The death of them, incident seemed to be
But not all was revealed
to the four of us it was
A great transfer of power
though unintentional it was

Helped us to the end
our mentors did
But not everything of our end
tell us they did
Their own end they met
too very soon
But even then a part
remained to be seen

Alone at last
against our enemy we were
Sure of our fate
we sacrificed ourself
Similar though it seems
Not the same it is
Because here at the end
the difference is revealed
I was resurrected,
But I couldn't do it again

I didn't know him, he didn't know me
A verse different we turn out to be

Before/after the end
our mentors did reappear
Do guess our names
Please do it dear.


Go fictional

There are a lot of hints scattered in the comments, consolidating it all here :

  • 'four of us' - 2 heroes, and their nemesis each
  • Jon is a reference, Our heroes didn't know anything at the start like Jon
  • Sadly its not GOT, Fight Club, Lord of the Rings or Star Wars(I wish!!)
  • Heroes do not share the name(there was a typo earlier)
  • One of the heroes has been found!! Look at the answer by Gareth
  • Title might just give you a clue
  • Heroes are usually talking about them both, but not always. The distinction is made clear whenever that's the case.

  • Another hint:

    our heroes are usually referred to in their world by a phrase, with one word in common. That word is present in the riddle and gives you a very direct clue to their identity. Look to the start!!

    • $\begingroup$ Jon -> Jon Snow -> You know nothing I think the answer might be a trivial one here $\endgroup$
      – Techidiot
      Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 7:23
    • $\begingroup$ Jon is Jon snow, But that's merely a hint, not the answer. The two, like Jon, knew nothing. Besides, Jon wont fit every line. $\endgroup$
      – uptoNoGood
      Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 7:26
    • $\begingroup$ I believe this could be arya and sansa stark $\endgroup$
      – Bungicasse
      Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 7:28
    • $\begingroup$ They dont fit every line. The story might partially satisfy many a heroes, since they have a similar arc, but only two will satisfy each and every line $\endgroup$
      – uptoNoGood
      Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 7:31
    • 2
      $\begingroup$ This is infuriating me (in a good way)... So many ideas that fit brilliantly in places but fall flat elsewhere... the first verse could definitely makes you think GoT, the second and third verses could easily be about harry potter, the fourth is what made me think starwars, the fifth could be anything... I'm confused! +1 $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 8:31

    5 Answers 5


    In the light of the most recent hints, it seems clear that the pair we are actually looking for is

    Harry Potter and Neo from The Matrix.

    Here are some details.

    We two were the ones
    destined to do great things

    There was a prophecy and all.

    We started as did Jon
    aware of Nothing

    At the start of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Harry is living under the Dursleys' stairs and has no idea magic is real. At the start of The Matrix Neo is still called Thomas Anderson and living in the Matrix, and has no idea (beyond a few un-understood rumours) of what his world really is.

    A world we didn't know
    turned out to be our home

    For Harry, the world of magic and wizards. For Neo, the world outside the Matrix.

    Waited where we were
    with glorious foretellings
    While everyone believed
    we thought ourselves a regular Joe
    Otherwise the future revealed
    A destiny for us each

    There were prophecies about both: Harry was "the one with power to vanquish the Dark Lord" and Neo was "The One" who would save Zion from the Machines.

    Closer to our nemesis
    than others we were

    Harry is Voldemort's accidental horcrux. Neo has a ... curious ... relationship with Agent Smith and ends up getting "assimilated" by him.

    Entwined with their life
    Our deaths were

    Harry was killed by Voldemort, with the intention of getting rid of the extra horcrux. And of course his death had ... further consequences ... for V. Neo sacrificed himself to Agent Smith, rather more finally, in order to destroy Smith.

    I marked him, He marked me

    In H.P.'s case, "the Dark Lord shall mark him as his equal". In Neo's, "I marked him" points to the climactic scene of the third movie where Smith assimilates Neo. (It would not be difficult to find "I marked him" candidates for H.P. or to describe that same last scene as "He marked me" for Neo.)

    The death of them, incident seemed to be
    But not all was revealed
    to the four of us it was
    A great transfer of power
    though unintentional it was

    In H.P.'s case, V. was thought (by many) to have died when he attacked H.P., but that wasn't really the case; in the process of what did happen he transferred some of his powers to H.P. In Neo's, Smith thought he was assimilating Neo and taking over his powers, but the poor chap found that that wasn't quite what happened.

    Helped us to the end
    our mentors did
    But not everything of our end
    tell us they did
    Their own end they met
    too very soon
    But even then a part
    remained to be seen

    Dumbledore was (intermittently) helpful to H.P. from the beginning until his death, and even afterwards (his will, his instructions to Snape, and "King's Cross Station". Dumbledore didn't tell Harry himself that he would have to die or why (he let Snape do it, which ended up happening in a rather roundabout way) and didn't tell even Snape that he expected Harry to survive his own death. This stanza confused me before when I wondered about The Matrix, but it turns out to be a reference to the Oracle. To be frank I'm not sure she really counts as a mentor; but indeed she gives Neo some important advice, she doesn't tell him (anything like) everything, she dies (maybe?) between the first and second movies but appears after that, she dies (more completely) when assimilated by Smith, and (thanks to the OP for pointing this out; I'd forgotten) after the Smith-Neo fight it's her body rather than Smith's that's left lying in a ditch.

    Alone at last
    against our enemy we were
    Sure of our fate
    we sacrificed ourself

    H.P. in the forest, getting kedavrified by Voldemort. Neo in the third movie, getting assimilated by Smith.

    Similar though it seems
    Not the same it is
    Because here at the end
    the difference is revealed
    I was resurrected,
    But I couldn't do it again

    H.P. returns to life (or maybe never actually quite dies) in the forest. After this he is no longer a horcrux and if killed would just be boringly dead. Neo isn't (so far as we can tell) resurrected at all in any way after the events of the third Matrix movie.

    I didn't know him, he didn't know me
    A verse different we turn out to be

    Our two heroes are from different fictional worlds.

    Before/after the end
    our mentors did reappear

    Dumbledore has a chat with Harry in "King's Cross Station". The Oracle reappears as a corpse in a ditch.

    Do guess our names
    Please do it dear.

    Harry James Potter, a.k.a. The Chosen One and Thomas "Neo" Anderson, a.k.a. The One.

    • $\begingroup$ I just got ninjaed! This has to be it. I thought it was too when I thought about marking smith(and thus giving him power and becoming nemesis). $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 27, 2016 at 4:18
    • $\begingroup$ Yes!! This is the correct answer. The bit about mentors : I am talking about Oracle here. She helped him till the last, but she didn't tell him about his end, what the one is supposed to do(the function of the one : the bit about Zion). She died(or you know ...) before Neo could consult with her one final time after he has chosen to save trinity. She reappears after the end, with Sati. Also at the end of fight, Oracle is lying in place of Smith in the ditch, in the matrix. $\endgroup$
      – uptoNoGood
      Commented Dec 27, 2016 at 4:37
    • $\begingroup$ In this bit : 'I was resurrected, But I couldn't do it again' I is Harry. Neo couldn't be resurrected again, but Harry did resurrect(or you know..). I know, my bad I should have been consistent with 'I'. $\endgroup$
      – uptoNoGood
      Commented Dec 27, 2016 at 8:10
    • $\begingroup$ At the end of first movie, when Neo jumps into Smith, he is destroyed. I remember the dialogue or maybe I read somewhere that in this process some of Neo's code was copied to Smith, overwriting his code or something of the nature. Sort of the thing with Voldy and Harry. That's what I meant with marked. Matrix events can be interpreted in so many ways... $\endgroup$
      – uptoNoGood
      Commented Dec 27, 2016 at 8:24

    Sounds to me like Luke Skywalker and Harry Potter. I think Harry is the one referred to as "I". Details to follow shortly.

    ... I was writing up some details when OP indicated in comments that H.P. is right but L.S. wrong. So in what follows I shall just write up the H.P. portion. Others are welcome to steal, or refer to, my explanations if they have a different pairing to propose.

    We two were the ones
    destined to do great things

    There was a prophecy and all.

    We started as did Jon
    aware of Nothing

    At the start of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Harry is living under the Dursleys' stairs and has no idea magic is real.

    A world we didn't know
    turned out to be our home

    For Harry, the world of magic and wizards.

    Waited where we were
    with glorious foretellings
    While everyone believed
    we thought ourselves a regular Joe
    Otherwise the future revealed
    A destiny for us each

    See above.

    Closer to our nemesis
    than others we were

    Harry is Voldemort's accidental horcrux.

    Entwined with their life
    Our deaths were

    Harry was killed by Voldemort, with the intention of getting rid of the extra horcrux. And of course his death had ... further consequences ... for V.

    I marked him, He marked me

    In H.P.'s case, "the Dark Lord shall mark him as his equal". I'm not sure what "I marked him" is referring to; the business at the end of HP&tPS has Quirrelmort actually getting marked by H.P.'s hands; getting disincarnated or whatever exactly happened to V. before the story begins might count as being "marked", as might being killed by H.P. at the very end; or it might be some more metaphorical sort of marking.

    The death of them, incident seemed to be
    But not all was revealed
    to the four of us it was
    A great transfer of power
    though unintentional it was

    In H.P.'s case, V. was thought (by many) to have died when he attacked H.P., but that wasn't really the case; in the process of what did happen he transferred some of his powers to H.P.

    Helped us to the end
    our mentors did
    But not everything of our end
    tell us they did
    Their own end they met
    too very soon
    But even then a part
    remained to be seen

    Dumbledore was (intermittently) helpful to H.P. from the beginning until his death, and even afterwards (his will, his instructions to Snape, and "King's Cross Station". Dumbledore didn't tell Harry himself that he would have to die or why (he let Snape do it, which ended up happening in a rather roundabout way) and didn't tell even Snape that he expected Harry to survive his own death.

    Alone at last
    against our enemy we were
    Sure of our fate
    we sacrificed ourself

    H.P. in the forest, getting kedavrified by Voldemort.

    Similar though it seems
    Not the same it is
    Because here at the end
    the difference is revealed
    I was resurrected,
    But I couldn't do it again

    H.P. returns to life (or maybe never actually quite dies) in the forest. After this he is no longer a horcrux and if killed would just be boringly dead.

    I didn't know him, he didn't know me
    A verse different we turn out to be

    Our two heroes are from different fictional worlds.

    Before/after the end
    our mentors did reappear

    Dumbledore has a chat with Harry in "King's Cross Station".

    Do guess our names
    Please do it dear.

    I did, but I got one of them wrong :-). The other one is detailed above.

    • $\begingroup$ Damnit, that was my idea. $\endgroup$
      – IAmInPLS
      Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 10:53
    • $\begingroup$ You got the Harry potter part right. But the first one is incorrect. $\endgroup$
      – uptoNoGood
      Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 10:59
    • $\begingroup$ Luke never resurrected. Might be from a point of view he did, but the resurrection in first case is as clear as harry. $\endgroup$
      – uptoNoGood
      Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 11:02
    • $\begingroup$ Nice catch with 'I'. Though I should point, Harry was 'marked'. He didnt mark. $\endgroup$
      – uptoNoGood
      Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 11:09
    • 1
      $\begingroup$ I haven't. But my understanding is that the two people we're after are from different fictional universes, so if one is Harry Potter then the other can't be Newt Scamander. $\endgroup$
      – Gareth McCaughan
      Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 15:33


    Luke and Leia

    We two were the ones destined to do great things We started as did Jon aware of Nothing

    they didn't know about their old man or each other or much at all...

    A world we didn't know turned out to be our home Waited where we were with glorious foretellings While everyone believed we thought ourselves a regular Joe Otherwise the future revealed A destiny for us each

    They were a jedi and force-sensitive super hero ambassador respectively, neither of which knew their original home world

    Closer to our nemesis then others we were

    close to their nemesis (vader) a family tie spoiler alert

    Entwined with their life Our deaths were I marked him, He marked me

    maybe the arm chopping thing?

    The death of them, incident seemed to be But not all was revealed to the four of us it was A great transfer of power though unintentional it was

    not sure...

    Helped us to the end our mentors did

    Yoda and Old-Ben

    But not everything of our end tell us they did

    they liked to keep shtup about the whole family drama thing

    Their own end they met too very soon


    But even then a part remained to be seen

    Alone at last against our enemy we were Sure of our fate we sacrificed ourself Similar though it seems Not the same it is Because here at the end the difference is revealed I was resurrected, But I couldn't do it again

    maybe a reference to loosing an arm, or maybe vader sacrificing himself? this really is a longshot...

    I didn't know him, he didn't know me A verse different we turn out to be

    could be luke and leia or luke and vader actually..

    Before/after the end our mentors did reappear Do guess our name Please do it dear.

    the mentors are one with the force and manage to speak to luke after death?

    • $\begingroup$ Nice interpretation. But its not the intended answer. Please note 'four'. The two heroes and two nemesis. $\endgroup$
      – uptoNoGood
      Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 7:49
    • $\begingroup$ i'm also thinking of this answer lol 7 stanzas symbolizes the 7 episodes lol $\endgroup$
      – Mekalikot
      Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 7:51
    • 1
      $\begingroup$ if I made a star wars riddle, I would only make it 4 episodes....sorry...4 stanzas long ;) $\endgroup$
      – uptoNoGood
      Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 7:55
    • $\begingroup$ @AnubhavTripathi +1 for disrespecting the prequels $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 7:57
    • $\begingroup$ Like the prequels I do not $\endgroup$
      – uptoNoGood
      Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 8:48

    Probably also a longshot but here we go

    I think your name is Tyler Durden from the film/novel "Fight Club" - I will give a more detailed explanation if this is the correct answer :)

    • $\begingroup$ I can definitely see why you think that, but, no its not the answer. Our two heroes dont know each other "I didn't know him, he didn't know me". Tyler and narrator knew each other , and while narrator might not have known all about Tyler, Tyler knew everything. A lot of things fit though, nice one. $\endgroup$
      – uptoNoGood
      Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 10:02
    • $\begingroup$ I love that all my favorite things Star Wars, GOT, Fight Club etc. are being thought of as answer $\endgroup$
      – uptoNoGood
      Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 10:03
    • $\begingroup$ aw, that's too bad, I'll have to keep guessing then :D $\endgroup$
      – Bungicasse
      Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 10:07

    I'm thinking to:

    Frodo and Gollum from the Lord of the Rings

    They didn't know each other, and they are kind of four, with:

    that ring driving them crazy...

    They started out as

    hobbits, which usually don't want to be heroes and know nothing.

    I marked him, he marked me:

    one bit the other and Frodo did tie Gollum with the elven rope, marking his neck...

    And this is movie and litterature.

    • 1
      $\begingroup$ hmm. Another one of my favorite. Lord of the Rings. Sadly incorrect though. See the other answer, its half right $\endgroup$
      – uptoNoGood
      Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 11:04

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