
I wanted to order Vowelburgers™ as many as possible, and came up with one idea. But for the purposes of giving a puzzle, I'm concealing what the idea was.

Here are the Vowelburgers™ I've received, grouped in a particular way:

  • Here are the ones with one patty: kilogram, bog, fail, chaos.

  • Here are the ones that I'm unsure whether they have one patty or two patties: baton, deer.

  • Here is the one with a colored patty: code.

But there is one group remaining, in which I found two Vowelburgers™. And... yuck! I wish I've never ordered them. Why?

  • 4
    $\begingroup$ In case anybody reading this is unfamiliar with Puzzling's "Vowelburgers", see Avi's original post here and the various follow-ons that have ensued over the years...! $\endgroup$
    – Stiv
    Commented Mar 7 at 22:34

1 Answer 1


The idea behind these Vowelburgers™ is that

they are Vowelburgers™ when spelled in the International Phonetic Alphabet

Here are the ones with one patty:

These have a single short vowel.

kilogram: mass /mæs/
bog: moss /mɒs/, /mɔs/, or /mɑs/
fail: miss /mɪs/
chaos: mess /mɛs/

Here are the ones that I'm unsure whether they have one patty or two patties:

These are long vowels and diphthongs, which are two vowels in one.

baton: mace /meɪs/
deer: moose /muːs/

Here is the one with a colored patty:

This patty has rhotic coloring.

code: Morse /mɔː(ɹ)s/

But there is one group remaining, in which I found two Vowelburgers™. And... yuck! I wish I've never ordered them. Why?

Although these could fit into the second group, I suspect OP has quarantined them because they sound less than appetizing.

mouse /maʊs/ or /mʌʊs/
mice /maɪs/

  • $\begingroup$ rot13(Gur frpbaq tebhc vf "cbgragvny" qvcugubatf, naq gur "lhpxl" barf ner "shyy" qvcugubatf.) $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 8 at 19:26
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Wow great solve +1…@DannyuNDos I think the knowledge tag should have been on this puzzle as I don’t think a lot of people are familiar with this system… $\endgroup$
    – PDT
    Commented Mar 9 at 10:05

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