
This is a word division puzzle which uses cryp- actually, this one uses printer's devilry. If you're unfamiliar with either or both of those, you can click the associated link.

In order to solve the alphametic, you'll first need to fill in the dividend, divisor, and quotient by solving the cryptic clues. I've left the enumerations off to provide a bit of extra challenge. Once you fill those in, the puzzle should be solvable with only arithmetic and logic. The solution is a 10-letter word or phrase found by ordering the letters from 0 through 9. A complete answer should provide this solution along with explanations of the cryptic clues and your path through the alphametic.

As always, I've created an interactive version that will autofill from the grid to the clues and vice versa. Have fun!


Can you bring so memo ream moon the hung trip next month? We didn't have enough today
Listening to the song - so faint! - the same experience as seeing it performed on stage
US Navy SEAL's shoto, Sam, a bin Last Ern, Pakistan, the location of his base

As mentioned, these are printer's devilry clues, and I've included an additional definition at either the start or end of the clue.

Accessible version:

  • $\begingroup$ @Stevo try checking out the second link in my first paragraph above $\endgroup$
    – juicifer
    Commented Oct 23, 2023 at 15:38

1 Answer 1


First, the clues:

"Can you bring so memo ream moon the hung trip next month? We didn't have enough today" becomes "Can you bring some more ammo on the hunTINg trip next month? We didn't have enough today".

"Listening to the song - so faint! - the same experience as seeing it performed on stage" becomes "Listening to the songs of aiDA ISn't the same experience as seeing it performed on stage"

"US Navy SEAL's shoto, Sam, a bin Last Ern, Pakistan, the location of his base" becomes "US Navy SEAL's shot Osama bin LADEN IN Eastern, Pakistan, the location of his base"

As you can see, the clues hint at the words to use in the division like so:

CAN is synonym with TIN, STAGE with DAIS, and ADENINE is a BASE.

Now onto the division itself:

We start with this grid: enter image description here I'll call {S1}, {S2} and {S3} the three substractions that are part of the division.

W must be 0 as N-W=N in {S2}. Grid becomes: enter image description here

Some other deductions:

Per {S2}, T + 1 = D. Per {S3}, E + 1 = Y. Per {S1}, S + 1 = N. Per {S3}, L + 1 = T. Combining, L + 2 = D. As L + L = D per [S1}, L must be 2, then T is 3, then D is 4. Grid becomes this: enter image description here

Let's continue:

E must be 8 because E= 4+4 with no carry due to the 0 next to the bottom 4 (in {S1}). Y must then be 9. Grid becomes: enter image description here

From here we can almost see what the name on top will be, but let's continue with the deductions:

S must be 6 because of the last part in {S3}. Then N must be 7. Grid is now: enter image description here

The last part:

7+8=15 so I is 5 ({S1}) leaving A with only 1 as a valid value. The resulting grid is as follows. enter image description here

And of course, the final clue is none other than:

Walt Disney!

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ sorry for the delay; I thought I had accepted this yesterday but apparently not. regardless, nice job on the solve! $\endgroup$
    – juicifer
    Commented Oct 23, 2023 at 15:33

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