

I start with half of nothing, end with half of eternity

And in the middle lies a town, named "Monster Bakery"

Little hint

the word appears on this page, definitely.

Oh, and it isn't



1 Answer 1


I have a feeling the answer here is:

NUMBER - a word which definitely appears on the page (as per the 'little hint') in the form of the OP's username: 'Number Basher'.

I start with half of nothing,

[NU]LL means 'nothing'.

end with half of eternity

EV[ER] means 'eternity'.

And in the middle lies a town, named "Monster Bakery"

This clues 'MB', the initials of the town, in the same way that 'New York' would be abbreviated to 'NY', or 'Los Angeles' to 'LA'.

The references to 'brittle'...

...appear to be a red herring, with little bearing on the puzzle itself. Though I am happy to be corrected on that if wrong.

  • $\begingroup$ EVERYTHING IS CORRECT!!! and Number is part of my username $\endgroup$ Commented May 17, 2022 at 7:51

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