
I recently attempted an online IQ test out of curiosity, but for some reason it didn't tell me my final score... (or maybe my IQ is so low I can't find it...)

It was a typical IQ test with all the usual gimmicks, a crappy number sequence, weird missing shapes etc (and although it started easy, it did get harder), but I reached the end and it simply said 'Your IQ is: ...' but failed to load a score.

Maybe, if you can fix this broken IQ test, it'll tell you your IQ instead!

enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here

$$\huge\text{What is your IQ?}$$


2 Answers 2


Building on @ParclyTaxel's answer



@ParclyTaxel describes how to find the letter for each puzzle. Each puzzle also indicates how to lay the letters out in a 3x3 grid by the squares that are missing. In the case of the first puzzle, laying the numbers in a 3x3 grid left to right and top to bottom puts M and S in the top and bottom right. In the second puzzle there is a full grid square in the middle right. All other puzzles are themselves 3x3 grids. The lines in puzzle 6 needed to complete the two uppercase Is form a lowercase i.

Solutions to puzzle:

1. 13, 19 = M, S
2. 6 - 6th square is complete and gives 'L'
3. 'Eye' = 9 = 'I'
4. 5, 19 = E, S
5. enter image description here = L, T
6. enter image description here = 'i'

Final answer:

enter image description here

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Yep! That was the trick I was looking for! Good job, I'll add a couple of diagrams to explain a couple of the puzzles too, hoping thats ok $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 25, 2022 at 13:39

Solutions to mini-puzzles:

1. 13, 19 (M, S)
2. 5* (E)
3. Set 👋 (wave) = 5, 👀 (eyes) = 18, 👏 (clap) = 10 to get that ?? = 👁 (eye, 9; I)
4. Semimagic square with constant 30; 5, 19 (E, S)
5. Each row and column satisfies A XNOR B = C; 100/100/111 (L) and 111/010/010 (T)
6. Shift top (bottom) parts of middle squares right (left) cyclically to get whole letters (I, L) (@fljx)
Any numbers are transformed through A1Z26.

From @justforplaylists:

Each puzzle may be laid out in a 3×3 grid, with missing values indicating where the respective values should be placed. This gives LIMITLESS.

I have a qualm with mini-puzzle 2, since there are really six squares in the picture (the tiny one formed by the intersection of two squares included).

  • $\begingroup$ Afraid you're quite far away from the answer here. Obviously most of the mini-puzzles here are correct but you're missing the key idea and answer $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 24, 2022 at 18:59
  • $\begingroup$ @BeastlyGerbil Yes. Where is the other information? $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 24, 2022 at 19:21
  • $\begingroup$ not giving it up that easy! This should be straightforward enough for someone to solve without any hints needed. If it goes 24hours then I’ll follow standard procedure and release a hint $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 24, 2022 at 19:22
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ For (6): ROT13(Fuvsg gur zvqqyr ebj evtug bar pryy, naq gur obggbz ebj yrsg bar pryy, gb trg YVZOVP. Fb gur zvqqyr pryy pbagnvaf gur obggbz bs bar V naq gur gbc bs nabgure, abg n fvatyr yvar.) Not sure if that helps much though. $\endgroup$
    – fljx
    Commented Jan 24, 2022 at 19:36
  • $\begingroup$ @fljx ROT13(Vg pbhyq or vagrecergrq nf gjb unys V'f, znxvat n jubyr V) $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 24, 2022 at 23:22

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