
I'm thinking of a 13-letter word that only uses 4 distinct letters. What is it?

Bonus if you can find any longer.


1 Answer 1


SENSELESSNESS contains just the letters S, E, N and L and is 13 letters long

For the bonus:

The plural form SENSELESSNESSES is 15 letters long

  • $\begingroup$ Sensible answer. $\endgroup$
    – qwr
    Commented May 30 at 16:40
  • $\begingroup$ Nice find. I was trying to remember 13-letter words which only had rot13(REFG va gur ubcrf gung V pbhyq znxr fbzrguvat yvxr n srznyr grez gung raqrq va -GERFFRF), but as it turns out that wasn't the right strategy and looking back I'm not surprised. $\endgroup$
    – oAlt
    Commented May 30 at 16:41

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