
Walter White and Lionel Messi became close friends. Because of their busy schedules, they are able to meet only four times a year.

White is free in July but Messi is not.
Messi is free in August but White is not.

The four times they meet in a year are spent on:

  1. Watching old clips of Rene Higuita.
  2. Watching the documentary 'Tembo'.
  3. Enjoying a meal of Trucha a la parrilla in Argentina.
  4. Attending a bullfighting event in Spain.

  • Watching old clips of Rene Higuita will be in November.
  • Watching the documentary 'Tembo' will be in December.

  1. In which month will they enjoy a meal of Trucha a la parrilla in Argentina?
  2. In which month will they attend a bullfighting event in Spain?

1 Answer 1


White and Messi will arrange their schedules so that...

...they will eat 'Trucha a la parrilla' in March, and attend the bullfighting in May.

Because this puzzle is all about:

astrological star signs. Specifically, the symbols behind the star signs and the month in which they mainly fall (since star signs cross two months, but not equally - in each case here, we need the second month in which they fall).

First note that:

Walter White from Breaking Bad is diagnosed with stage III lung cancer. This connection with Cancer (22 June - 22 July) explains why he is 'free' in July.

Lionel Messi is also known as 'Leo' - the star sign for 23 July to 22 August, explaining why he is 'free' in August.

As for the four events:

each of these has a connection to a star sign symbol, and takes place in the second month connected with that star sign.

Rene Higuita was a goalkeeper renowned for performing 'the Scorpion Kick'. This link with scorpions leads us to Scorpio (23 October - 22 November), hence the November meeting.

The documentary Tembo involves an archer hunting with a bow and arrow. This connects with the archer sign, Sagittarius (23 November - 21 December), hence the December meeting.

So we can work out the other two:

'Trucha a la parrilla' is a fish dish, leading us to Pisces (19 February - 20 March), hence March.

Bullfighting leads us to Taurus (20 April - 20 May), hence May.


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