
My prefix is a friend of campfires, missing its tail.
My infix is natural, useful and alluding to its state.
My suffix, unless prefixed, is made of wood and missing its core.
What am I?


1 Answer 1


I think the answer is


My prefix is a friend of campfires, missing its tail.

Smor, which is S'more without its tail "e"

My infix is natural, useful and alluding to its state.

Gas - natural gas is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas which is indeed very useful (for cooking, for example) and its state of matter is also gas.

My suffix, unless prefixed, is made of wood and missing its core.

Bord which is board without its core "a". The prefix part, I think, refers to things like plasterboard which are not wood.


A smorgasbord (either literally or figuratively) is indeed appetizing


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