
I'm looking for two words.

enter image description here

In this order: Y B R

|-2 -13 +2|+3 -12 -2 -1|+7 -8 +4 +0|


1 Answer 1


The two words you are looking for are:

Magic Square


The three by three grid is a magic square, where each number has been replaced by its initial letter, and an ordinal representing its position in the list of numbers starting with that letter (so 1 = o1, 2 = t1, 3 = t2, 4 = f1 etc.)

 2   7   6
 9   5   1
 4   3   8
 t1  s2  s1
 n1  f2  o1
 f1  t2  e1

And the image on the right is a hint, with "f4" (=15) at the top, and lines representing the directions that the magic square sums to 15.

So that gives us Y=o1=ONE, B=f1=FOUR and R=n1=NINE.

And the final line represents a letter shifts on each word in that order (so ONE with |-2-13+2| gives us O-2=M, N-13=A, E+2=G):


And for the title, magic squares were first invented/discovered (or at least first documented) in China.

  • $\begingroup$ Nice and quick :) Well done! $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 3, 2022 at 14:02

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